Start Excel your way every day (60 second tip)
Wyn Hopkins
Solving data challenges for companies and people. Power BI | Excel | Fabric | Solver Budgeting & Consolidation. Part of the Amazing team at Access Analytic Microsoft MVP ??6 Million+ YouTube views
Before we start....
If you've recently moved to Excel 2013 / 2016 and get the annoying start up screen each time..
You can easily turn it off via File > Options > General and un-check the Start screen box
OK, so now that that's fixed lets go one step further.
Often we make the same changes every day to our Excel files.
We format numbers or dates with our preferred styles, adjust print settings, set colour schemes etc. Save yourself some time and set up a BOOK.xltx template.
This then appears automatically each time you start Excel.
Do a search on your C: Drive for XLSTART and this is where you should save your file as BOOK.xltx. If you ever want to change it just save over the top of it or just delete it from that folder.
I created one for my own use, and it's on our website for you to download for free
It contains 2 really useful cell styles
- Commas with Negatives turning Red with brackets and zeros display as a dash
- Centre Across Selection instead of the dreaded Merged cells
Also, Print headers and footers are already set up
Plus for those of you Modern Excel users the Power Pivot Model already contains a "Values" Table for future DAX measures so it will appear at the top of the measures list
Let me know if you find this useful
AMAZING Power BI and Excel Solutions