START with the End in Mind!!!
We all know that getting a loan now-a-days is almost as easy as pulling your own teeth. Obviously, the days of easy credit are gone and lending institutions have tightened up their standards in lending. While it seems that applications are rising in the industry, so are your turn downs.We understand the pain you go through when trying to get the person you are working with a loan, only to have something kick them out of the application process in the end. There are 4 categories in which underwriters look at loans and I am sure you have heard of the 4 C’s: Capacity, Credit, Capital and Collateral.Some things may be out of your control such as how much the person makes, how much money they have in the bank, or various assets they have to meet the requirements, however, you may be able to help your clients qualify based upon credit. Refer your turn downs to us and let us show you why we are the industry leader in Credit Repair.We offer full service credit solutions such as Credit Clean up, Debt Settlement, Credit Re-building, Credit Monitoring and FDCPA violation Attorney review.