Start with dummy, then move to dynamic :
from "Fifty Quick ideas to Improve your user stories BOOK"
New software rarely works in isolation and needs to pull in information from many different places/sources .
Data Entry screens are often the first focus in many software plans As data need to be entered before it gets processed and it is not easy to connect all relevant reference data sources at the start without blocking or postponing data processing .
Real Value of Software is mostly in its output more than in its input
An interesting strategy to use when splitting user stories is to avoid any workaround preparing inputs at the start So instead of loading data inputs from official sources dynamically , split the story so that the first part use HARD CODED reference data and subsequent stories connect the input fields to relevant data sources .
"For me I faced examples of this many times before specially when our system/software needs to get input data by integrating with third party and it will take long time until we can retrieve dynamic data from data source until integration is implemented also it will postpone data processing in our software for later iterations, So we decided to work on hardcoded/static reference data first and implement data processing until integration is implemented and we can retrieve dynamic data from third party, and this helped us to keep our team working , deliver value early , consider some risks at early stages and our flow not blocked "
It is important to know that this won't be the final feature to release and This Strategy is applied because getting access to reference data /input dynamic is a task that may involve more waiting time and developers can't start development on data processing until all input data are retrieved , So Splitting stories to work with Hard Coded data at first improves predictability of short term plans and enables development to continue instead of waiting to finish perfecting data input screens or retrieve dynamic data from data sources .