Start the chunking process
Nathan Simmonds
Helping people become better leaders by dealing with the 'stuff' that’s holding them back. Leadership Coach, Training and Therapist - ???? Leadership | Coach | Hypnotherapist | Trainer | Speaker
3. Start taking action
So you’ve potentially started mapping forward. you've got a sense of purpose, clarifying steps and now engineering backwards.
The difference between here and there is massive, routinely repeated, relentlessly executed action. Doesn’t matter what your personality type is, what your social style is, thinking preferences – doesn’t make a difference.
Massive f**king action that's got to be moving closer to the outcome you visualising.
You’ve made the goal - uncomfortable
Reminder here form previous articles - Do not use SMART goals, it’s not about setting realistic outcomes, because if they’re real they already exist, and again this isn’t challenging you.
SMART objectives yes, SMART goals no – yes absolutely chunk down, break the goal into portions of time. Predominantly 12-month windows, with clear outcomes and achievements at each point.
Then break down into 90 day/quarterly measurables and outcomes.
This means you can track where you’re at; against schedule and against outputs –
What gets scheduled get done.
Measurable is deliverable.
The biggest hurdles any individual will put in their own way –
? Time & Money
Both distractionary methods to excuse you from your fear of failure, of being less of person for trying and not succeeding.
If you are hungry enough you will find a better strategy to negotiate through, over, around both of these obstacles.
? Resource better.
Time –
How much time do you spend on wasted activities that are distracting you?
· How many box sets have you watched recently?
· How many nights out have you had in the last 30 days?
· How are you using your lunch hour?
· How are you using the time travelling to work?
What can you put in these spaces to make them elevational rather than recreational? How can you bend them to lift you off the tread mill rather than keep you on it?
Schedule time in for you to develop you, let me repeat -
What gets scheduled, gets done.
Benjamin Franklin’s philosophy was to give 1 hour a day to personal development and pure learning.
Any chosen subject. Start learning things you want to learn about.
Focus this time from your sense of purpose, where you’re going and then this hour becomes exciting and as that excitement grows you’ll find other spaces to add more in.
You don’t need more time (truthfully you can’t make more of it) you need to use what you have more wisely, more focused, more intentionally and intuitively.
Money –
Is an abstract concept of perceived value. Truthfully, money is a game we play.
The only place that money holds any value is inside the human mind and you have to remember you don’t need more money, you need to change the way you look at it.
The world is full of resources that aren’t being tapped into.
You need to change the angle of the view point.
Is a table just a table? What else is it capable of?
You can use it to stand on like a ladder, you can use it to speak from so more people can hear you (make sure it’s stable before you do that)
You can use it as weapon if you really needed to, turn it into fire wood if you really had to.
Stop looking at things as predetermined or set. Everything, and I mean everything has flexibility, a different dimension to work with and from.
My desk is made out of reclaimed pallets, I brought the trestle legs from IKEA for £50 and made a unique desk big enough for me and the work I do. As a result I redirected £200 into my own personal development. Then with wood left over I made matching shelves. Another £70 redirected into the business. I also like building things, it was a fun process.
Want a wall to work on, white board £150, tin of black board paint £3.99 chalk pens £5.99.
Audible £8.99 a month for one book to develop your thinking, an instant saving of about £15 for some of the audio books I buy, and sometimes you’ll find the book for free on Youtube.
Even using things like Craig’s list or freecycle – people give stuff away that is no use to them and mightily useful to you.
There are people out there making good business out of the contents of skips and bins.
Use the resources you have available.
How many free training resources are actually out there? What face book groups are there, how many face book ad’s do we receive for things we’re interested in. Do the free trainings, do all the relevant ones to you that are helping you to move forward – they’re free! 1 hour a day.
It’s not about the money it’s about the way you’re focusing on the situation.
“The problem isn’t the problem. Your attitude to the problem, is the problem” – Capt. Jack Sparrow
If you’re starting from a zero point, there are plenty of resources around you, what you’re actually doing is crippling yourself through comparison to what you haven’t got relative to what you think someone else has.
Where did they start?
What did they have?
“Comparison is the thief of joy”
Look at the components you have right now, start building what you need with what you have
Go back to Richard Branson – he started his shop in a phone box.
Harness what you have, direct it really clearly on where you’re going to, based on the impact you're creatinge in the universe and by being the person you’re meant to be.
Let me be clear - Right now.
Get a partner –
The people around you are your board of directors.
Who do you need around you that is going to hold you to account?
Who around you right now is holding you back?
Jim Rohn – “We are the average of the top 5 people you spend most of our time with”
?This is the Law of Conformity.
You may not find your accountability partner inside your current peer group – join a face book group, follow the free training, if something resonates with you go there, find someone in that group. Find some one that needs it them self and help each other grow.
Share the fact you have a plan and need someone to challenge you to make the next step. You cannot get an accountability partner or mentor unless you reach up to start with.
If you can look up you can stand up, if you can reach up someone will, if asked, look to start pulling you to.
If you can’t do any of these things, very few people will take the time to drag you out of where you are, they've got their own game to be playing.
How many people that were taken to drink and drug rehab by someone else then relapsed?
How many smokers do you know that have been given a copy of ‘Easy Way to Stop Smoking’ actually stopped?
Because they didn’t do it’s themselves and start the process – you have to start the process to start the universal cogs shifting.
If you're comfortable in front of the television, how can anyone help you expedite a journey you're not even prepared to start?
Stop telling, start asking.
Stop asking, start doing.
It may even be a manager or leader at work, or someone else that has listened to/read this.
3 years after I started the ‘Why Discovery’ course through Simon Sinek I found my ‘Why’ statement, although I was close on my own, it only happened because I found the right accountability partner to help me find my language.
A year later I started setting goals the way I'd learned how to - with the right language behind it, the right drivers. 1 year later I signed my first client - at nearly 15 times my normal hourly rate.
It doesn’t happen over-night, it requires focus and as I’ve said before clarity of purpose creates certainty of action, then the the actions become easier and make you smile because you know exactly what the value is of it, you know the impact it has on those around you. It stops being a 'what if' and becomes an absolutely.
You stop making excuses and start making impacts
Honestly, I've made these excuses and mistakes relentlessly over the last 20+ years.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the so called ‘negative’ state the ‘Victim’ mind set. Believing that actually I had no Time and no Money. Lacked the resources to be a success.
I know exactly how they work, because I have repeated the pattern and achieved very little. I’ve broken my own heart numerous times and innumerable others along the way. Why?
Because I played small, I didn’t really clarify how incredible the impact is that I’m capable of having and already having on the people around me, and now? Now I look at the incredible amount of untapped potential in the people around me on a daily basis and I am awe struck and deeply saddened at the same time.
If the global game is to change, then this potential needs to be unlocked, no matter at what point of the journey they’re at.
I’ve seen a lot of the earlier points of this journey and now with these ideas I’m developing something completely different.
My goal, as it is today, I am positively and successfully influencing the growth and development of over 100 million people through my 1-2-1 coaching and group training so that they are connected to a deeper sense of purpose, are creating compelling goals, are connecting to the people around them and creating a positive legacy time and time again.
Because this is the biggest manifestation of me at my most incredible.
It’s a community of people unlocking, enabling and recalibrating with their highest purpose and potential. Personally and professionally.
However that looks for an individual – is up to them.
For some it’s about redesigning how their business will start or currently operates. Creating a 50-year plan, reconnecting with the main aim or founding thought of their business or even spending more time with the family, getting promoted in order to be able to do more of what they are passionate about
All the way through to being a part of the Kepler space mission and finding XO planets and connecting us with extra-terrestrial life.
And yes, I have had all of these conversations with my clients.
It's not about hopes and prays - it's about actualities and making it happen.
A whole lot of hopefully never created actually.
I remind myself regularly it's not about the ‘How’ I just need to know ‘Who’ I’m bringing and have the clarity of purpose as to why I’m bringing this to life.
Who do I have to be to positively impact 100 million people?
I have to be my own greatest role model, the same as you have to be your own greatest role model because you're designed to be incredible.
Then all the ‘How’s and solutions will become apparent. Because they’ve always been there, you just hadn’t been looking at them in the right way, you saw them as fixed assets rather the flexible resources.
Before then, if you want to talk to me about re-strategising your business, you long term professional ambitions, increase your business results or get my help shaping your new leadership teams I would love to talk to you. Whether it's for your whole team, or for you perosnally click the link below and book a time to talk, or send me a message
Be incredible
Nathan’s a Leadership & Purpose coach with over 20 years of experience in Business and Professional development. He’s now helping business professionals from a huge range of industries create compelling goals so they grow their business results.
To speak to Nathan and schedule your free strategy session and redefine your professional future -
Email - [email protected]
Mobile - +44 07540615318 Online booking available.
Alternatively follow us on Instagram - @PURPOSEGOALSLEGACY for daily inspirations and leadership philosophies.