Start Checking Your Passport!!

Start Checking Your Passport!!

Are you planning on travelling abroad? Have you checked that your passport is in date?

Are you aware of the current changes that have affected your passport and the expiry date that’s shown?

It has come to our attention that what you see on your passport might not actually be correct for your time of travel. Due to Brexit and the many changes, passports have been affected and it is advised that you use the following link to establish if your passport is fit for travel?here


Passport expires on 3rd?March 2023….or so we thought.

It was issued on 3rd?December 2012. The test carried out in the link informs you that it is only valid until at least 3rd?June 2022.

Taking into account the 6-month rule, yes, it appears the expiry date is now being calculated in accordance with the original issue date.

So, from the information we have gathered and the many examples we have performed, it appears that the expiry date is now being driven by the date of issue via the Passport Agency – rather than the date present on your passport,

Start checking those passports – they may need renewing sooner rather than later


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