Start 2022 with positive momentum - a message from Kelly Allan
The W. Edwards Deming Institute
We inspire leaders to use Dr. Deming's transformative management thinking to grow and improve their organizations.
I started my consulting firm nearly 40 years ago and have spent my career helping organizations implement change. I could also say, I’ve helped companies—small and large, and across many industries—"do Deming."
There is no shortage of trends when it comes to organizational development, leadership theories and improvement methods. However, as these formulas come and go, Dr. Deming’s philosophy and teachings stand the test of time. And more importantly, they get results.
My team has helped hundreds of clients, including well-known companies like Southwest Airlines, Toyota, and Abbott, achieve major transformations. When these leaders really delve into Deming, they go beyond quality improvement methods; they begin to rethink their roles as managers. They engage with their teams, become more effective and have fun doing it.
This is why I’m so committed to The Deming Institute, both as a volunteer and as a donor. We need to bring greater awareness to his work, to help leaders show up with authenticity and to help everyone bring more purpose to their work.
Today is the last day to contribute to our year-end campaign. Your support will allow us to invest in future Deming leaders, helping them use the power of their purpose to enrich society through the Deming philosophy.
Let’s start the New Year with positive momentum; give today
Here’s to more joy in 2022!