Star of Wonderous Hope…… Miracle of N.H. Christmas
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
The Prophet Zachariah in describing the “Miracle of Hanukkah” reveals the wonderous mystery of human existence …its promise and potential
Not by Might, Not by Power but by My Spirit
One of the awesome parts of the Hanukkah Story is the pronouncement of the Power of the Will to overcome all obstacles.
We are small in size but great in spirit
If I could put any amount of wisdom into someone’s “gas tank” it would be this message
.doesn’t matter what the circumstances are…if there is a Will …you’ll find the Way.
The Psalmist wrote that….
God had made the wise foolish and the foolish wise
…the strong weak and the weak strong
If I was to tell the tale of so many lives it would be not having enough faith to stop listening to the world and to find the reflective quiet of listening to their own hearts
I had the distinct joy yesterday in the luxury of my retirement to not attend one Christmas Service but to attend three which lifted my spirit to the wonderous hope that still exists for this nation and for humanity.
Christmas in rural New England is a world class experience that compares to the best palaces I’ve been to in Abu Dhabi – Bahrain, splendid villa’s in Europe..the Louvre – Oxford- Cambridge Universities – St Andrews ..ect.
At this late stage of my life ….I’ve seen it all
While these places are big and bold in their sensory experience which of course inspires the visual perception
New Hampshire’s simple Neo Classical white woodworked Churches frame the essence of a perfect reflective experience when they are filled with the very special people that live here.
They are not all polished up like my friends in the city and I keep telling my children to stop buying super expensive clothes for me I cannot wear them here ?….won’t think of offending anyone with all that superficial flash
What we do have here is lots of sincerity and people who still in the midst of all the dysfunction in our society
…truly want to live a good life and do the right thing!
Christmas here is a show case of their best talent and the local churches roll out a red-carpet effort that fills the senses with wonder and the soul with uplifting hope
Everywhere I went yesterday …..there was just so many smiles, hugs, post covid kisses and a welcoming inclusive spirit that for me is the true New England that drew me here forty years ago to live
I have to laugh when I hear that in New Hampshire we are exclusive, prejudicial and restrictive …for nothing could be further from the truth
My first church I visited was met with an instant invitation to come and sing with their choir that was a little short handed
Why not…..the results were great and the message of the pastor related to the Three Magi coming from a far…drawn by a star to worship the Christ
The pastor who is well aware of my background which is unique …as I am the only person of that origin in town
….pro-offered that God himself directed me a Modern Day Magi to their church in order to fulfill a need they possessed
Off to Church number two where I was received with much cheer and even though I like sitting in the back pew when ever I visit a guest church
…it was insisted that I sit in the front pew ….Yes – I was asked if I would like to sing with the choir ….they were all set in my mind…politely I bowed out
Her message echoed the same theme as the other pastor ….restoring the sense of Hope through the miracle of the star ..the inclusive message it relates to us how we need to recommit to that high minded effort
I was then invited to the meal on Christmas day ….lots of cheer at the Fellowship Hours …so many smiles ....overwhelming!!
But ….I had to go….off to my favorite church which has on Christmas Eve the most magical Candlelight Lesson and Carols Service that is world class.
Yes…the same open hearted experience in my hometown now where I have been elected for many many decades…..
Fortunately, I got to sit in the rear pew …way in the back surrounded by the young ladies that were going to do the readings for the service
Even though they did not know who I was…I was not a stranger but inclusively accepted
….the pastor whose ordination I am attending next week came from the front of the church to warmly greet me
?--- this is the hospitality of rural New England where yes there is not much diversity here yet these are the kindest people of sincere warm hearts that would welcome anyone
As we all began to sing the various carols in the rear pew …the girls at first were hesitant but I just belt these tunes out….the energy inspired them and by the end they were enjoying the experience
As they returned back to the pew after doing their part in the service …I offered praise and encouragement
..this is the primary role of people my age to be POSITIVE and HELPFUL!!
Something that those in America’s failed Leadership Class have forgotten
The Pastor’s message also focused on the Star of Wonder that you can see in the attached picture
……bringing the Light of the New Born Jesus to reawaken our hearts
Yet the best was to come as the light were shut off and in total candlelight together the congregation sang Silent Night
It was pure magic
……beyond sensory description as in the simplicity of the experience the collective sincerity created a divine condensational moment
?--- a personal encounter with the Good Spirit
…world class in ever dimension to even my extensive global sophistication
Just like Zachariah said so well twenty-five hundred years ago
…not by might …not by power….but by the Divine Spirit
This is the transformational message of our collective healing
Preserving the Unity of the Spirit in the Bonds of Peace
My rural New Hampshire… so blessed to be removed from the temporal as to be still enraptured by the Divine and Nature where this unity and peace still lives
The entire evening was wonderous …. A miracle of the very much alive American Spirit that fills me with continued hope for the future
Our task as old stewards ?is to promote and encourage its validity and continue to hope that we can experience many many more years of magical Christmas Eve experiences like last night
Merry Christmas