Star Wars: A Hero's Journey Blueprint
Tommy Tutalo
Self-Published Author | Screenwriter | Content Writer | Copywriter | Visual Artist
The hero's journey found in Star Wars was masterfully woven into the story, plot and characters by George Lucas. He was able to create this whole new world and array of characters that are implanted in the human psyche. Was this talent or was he using ancient knowledge and magically mending it into Star Wars.
The answer is yes. Joseph Campbell a literature professor of mythology and religion who's philosophical book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, a text on world culture's folklore and myths was what George Lucas modeled his Star Wars characters and saga from. Each Star Wars character is an archetype persona all resonate with in some way and the wheel of the Hero's Journey is followed throughout the Star Wars Trilogy.
It's a hero's journey we all take in life within and in the outside world. From listening to the call of action, to finding and being guided by mentors, uniting with unlikely friends, going on a quest into the belly of the whale, symbolically dying and being reborn and returning back to where we came from as a new Hero with gain knowledge and skills.
This is the premise for Star Wars and a blueprint for storytellers. All stories follow this universal blue print of the Hero's Journey. A few movie examples to compare are Star Wars, The Matrix, and The Lord of the Rings. There are many other films that model this blue print and even books. Even with our own lives we can make this comparison.
So on May the 4th not only should we celebrate the birth of Star Wars and it's impact in pop culture but also take some time to reflect and learn from the teachings found within the story and the characters. Use this universal blue print of the Hero's journey in your own life and find within you the call to action and guidance needed to conquer your personal quests and goals. As Yoda says to Luke, "Do or do not, there is no try." So go out and do what you love, do not be afraid, Find balance in the force, and use the light to guide you along the way until you reach your dreams. "May the force be with you, always.?