Standing up While Sleeping
Standing up While Sleeping
I’m standing here but, my eyes are closed. ?My mind only focuses on the aspect of bringing my children home again. ?The mental and emotional tiredness has engulfed me completely after years of parental alienation.?
I refuse to give up on my hope of reunification with my children.?I know in my heart, this nightmare will end when the right time arrives.?I will never stop fighting for them.?Unfortunately, many parents give up the battle before it’s done and descend into a whirlpool of despair.?Don’t do this to yourself or the children who need you during these devastating times.
For now, we need to support and uplift one another as alienated parents.?Let others know they are not alone and have a support network.?We can be here to to lend a shoulder to lean on during moments when we are not strong enough to withstand the galeforce winds of alienation.
We will survive and later thrive after our children are home and in our arms again.?The main thing is, you must be patient in this process and remain healthy on every level.?This means you must continue living your life. ?You can’t roll up into a ball and spend your time sleeping.?All of us need to find ways to distract ourselves from this epic battle we are in.?We must remain healthy on every level.
For the moment, we are Standing up While Sleeping.?Take care of each other.
3 年Every person that fights to end parental alienation is deserving of our support and admiration…that battle is probably the toughest in life. Even if you fight for justice and never achieve your goal, you are deserving of admiration and love…never give up. Dave S has been fighting for years for those caught in that trap. Why have so many children suffered from this terrible ordeal…the enemy is fierce, extremely well- funded, has high-level political clout but is no match for the unconditional love of a mom or dad.