Standing united against hate: Glasgow shows its true colours
This past Saturday, Glasgow once again demonstrated why it's known as a city of solidarity and inclusion. As a group of far-right protesters gathered for a so-called "Pro-UK rally" in George Square, they were vastly outnumbered by thousands of anti-racist counter-demonstrators who came together to reject hatred and division.
The contrast between the two groups could not have been starker. On one side, a few hundred people spouting anti-immigrant rhetoric, with many waving Union Jacks. On the other, a joyous, diverse crowd of Glaswegians from all backgrounds, united in their commitment to equality, social justice and human rights.
The far-right rally had been promoted online by extremist figures like the self-styled 'Tommy Robinson'. Despite his attempts to portray himself as a voice of the working class, the so-called 'Tommy Robinson' is no working-class hero. His account of growing up in Luton misrepresents the town and its people, painting a distorted picture of constant ethnic conflict that doesn't align with the experiences of many who lived there.
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has seemingly made himself rich and famous as a chief figure of the English far right. Countless news and social media reports show he has a history of stoking anti-Muslim and anti-migrant sentiments, often using his background to lend questionable authenticity to his divisive rhetoric. However, his portrayal of Luton and working-class life is selective at best and deliberately misleading at worst.
As an organisation dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion, we at Diversity Scotland were proud to see so many people turn out to stand against the harmful ideologies that Yaxley-Lennon and his followers promote. The counter-protest, organised by Stand Up To Racism Scotland and supported by trade unions and community groups, showed the true face of our city - one of compassion, solidarity and respect for all.
The rally sought to exploit recent tragedies to stir up fear and resentment against immigrants and asylum seekers. But Glaswegians weren't having it. Chants of "Refugees are welcome here" and "No to racism" drowned out the smaller group's rhetoric.
Glasgow City Council leader Susan Aitken summed it up well when she said far-right ringleaders like Yaxley-Lennon are "not welcome in Glasgow." Our city has a proud history of standing up to fascism and intolerance. From the Battle of George Square in 1919 to the inspiring community action on Kenmure Street in 2021, Glaswegians have consistently chosen solidarity over division.
Saturday's events serve as a reminder that we must remain vigilant against the creeping threat of far-right extremism. Even as we celebrate the overwhelming show of anti-racist sentiment, we cannot be complacent. The xenophobic ideologies on display, however marginal, can spread if left unchallenged.
That's why the work of grassroots organisers, community groups and ordinary citizens in coming together against hate is so vital. B y showing up in large numbers, peacefully but powerfully, we send a clear message that Glasgow will not be divided by fear-mongering and scapegoating.
As we reflect on Saturday's events, let's recognise the positive power of diverse communities uniting against intolerance. Let's redouble our commitment to building a society of true equality and belonging for all. And let's continue to stand firm against those who would seek to turn us against each other.
Glasgow showed its true colours on Saturday - and they were beautiful. Now it's up to all of us to keep that spirit of inclusivity and solidarity alive every day, rejecting the divisive narratives of figures like Yaxley-Lennon and embracing the rich diversity that makes our communities strong.
#Glasgow #Scotland #ProUKRally #CounterProtest #Demonstration #Rally #AntiRacism #Racism #Xenophobia #Islamophobia #AntiImmigrent #Refugee #AsylumSeeker #RefugeesWelcome #Rufuweegie #NoToRacism #StandUpToRacism #StandUpToRacismScotland
#DiversityScotland #ScotDiversity
#Equity #Equality #Inclusion #Belonging #Diversity
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