In our conversations with company leaders, since the first lockdown, we understand just how many of our clients are in the same situation that we are in and something of the challenges they are facing with their own suppliers and customers. The message “we’re in this together” is everywhere we look from Government to bank websites to insurance companies. But the experience on the ground has been very different for many people. On my morning walks, I find myself asking "what does this actually mean? How are we standing together? How are we supporting each other? What can we do as a business to help the companies we recruit for?”
Our solution is simple. For the next 90 days, Montana Resourcing will bring our fees down to a flat rate 11,5% of CTC.
Covid-19 is the greatest challenge many of us will ever face in business. It could also be the most rewarding. We can either pull through this together as a business community or we can feed our fears as we watch businesses close around us. I would rather do everything I can in my power to prevent that. If there is anything else, we at Montana can do to help you; anything at all, we are just a call away.
"Once we are thrown off our habitual paths, we think all is lost, but it is only here that the new and the good begins” Leo Tolstoy