Standing. The New Way to Sit at Work.
Employees who want to work out of their seats have options.
Standing desks aren’t new but they’re set to win more new fans, according to new research.
The Global Standing Desk Market Research Report 2022-2028 forecasts the standing desk market will increase from its current estimated global value of $6.6 billion [USD] in 2022 to $10.3 billion [USD] in 2028.
Which stands up.
After all, many of us actually need to furnish two offices today: the one at home, and the one we commute to.
Booming WFH culture is also revealing that our home office furniture is frequently failing best ergonomic practice.
At the same time, the research on the benefits of standing desks as ergonomic solutions indicates that:
But they aren’t for every office. They can be costly, clunky, and unsuitable for some desk designs.
In some scenarios, a laptop riser is an effective alternative. You can potentially adapt one for standing work on higher desks. You can blend them into home office set ups where there is existing shelving that supports standing work. They can even complement organised desks that include hutches for magazines, stationery, and other office supplies.
What is a laptop riser?
A laptop riser is an ergonomic product that features a plate to securely house your laptop.
You can use your riser to elevate the height and angle of your laptop for the perfect view.
If you want to stand more at work each day, risers are great for viewing tasks such as reading dense information and reviewing visual content.
It doesn’t have to be a standing desk or a laptop riser, but keep the following in mind.
?ALOGIC's recently-launched Elite Plus Adjustable Laptop Riser delivers offices more ergonomic support, and helps professionals combat some sedentary work habits.
The Elite Plus is compatible with the vast majority of laptop models and sizes.
These include MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs, Dell XPSs, Chromebooks, and more.
It is built to be portable, durable, and freely adjustable.
For people evaluating how ergonomically-sound their office furniture is, it offers various solutions for sitting and standing work.
Five quick tips for standing at work
Irrespective of the desk accessories you use to stand at work, remember the following: