Standardization of Electron Mass media in line with National Identity
The concept of democracy is upheld by its three pillars, executive, legislature and judiciary. However, the fundamentals of the same are expressed and guaranteed by the forth pillar called media. With significant evolution in the information and technology sector during the past couple of decades, media, especially in the form of digital media, plays a significant role in maintaining the democratic values of many democratically governed nations.
Upholding one of the most important fundamental rights, right to express, it is the foremost social and political obligation for the media sector, to guide its wide audience onto the right direction by providing unbiased realities appropriately. From a nation’s perspective it is also the responsibility of the same to promote the national values and cultural wealth of the nation in turn uplifting the integrity of the nation.
Utilizing the social media platforms and conventional electronics, it is necessary for the electronic mass media to improvise and improve its quality and standards while synchronizing with national identity of the country in order to contribute towards governance and democratic rights. Sri lanka, as a democratic socialist republic, is entitled to have on board an electronic media sector, which will enable the nation and its citizens, especially the youth, being guided by morals and ethics towards sustainable development while upholding the traditional and cultural values of the nation.