A simpler vision has been emerging which combines the DYNAMED MISSION and my 6-part personal mission statement. This has manifest as “Set the standard for current reliable synthesized clinical knowledge”
Our greatest contribution has been the provision of clinical knowledge which is current (updating it as quickly as we can without compromising reliability), reliable (being systematic in how we determine reliability and transparent in how we present it), and synthesized (putting it all together when there is so much variation in evidence, guidance, perspectives and context).
As we do this with continuing excellence we establish that it can be done (I can’t count how many times I was told this was impossible over the past 20 years) and that it is available. That continued every day action sets the STANDARD.
Setting the standard is providing an exemplar. Doing this means clinicians and clinical knowledge managers come to expect current reliable synthesized clinical knowledge because they learn it is feasible and available. Setting the STANDARD is raising expectations.
This feels like it is getting closer to a CALLING, but it is not quite there yet. Tomorrow I will share how I have refined this further to find my CALLING.