Stand your ground!
David Zuniga
Car Guy | Helping Dealerships Improve Customer Experience & Boost Sales/Service Revenue
“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”
Sir Edmund Hillary
Our human nature is to be liked, accepted and viewed positively. We enjoy it, we crave it and some of us are straight up obsessed with the idea of this. You know this by how insane people actually get with the amount of likes on Facebook or ‘double taps’ on Instagram they get on their content. This obsession makes people post and share some of the most revealing, cringe-worthy and eye opening things you’ll ever see, no matter how detrimental it could be to their future self. We as human beings have a strong desire to be seen or acknowledged but at what cost? Is there no limit or line that we will not cross, no matter what attention or notoriety is available on the other side of it? Or, what truth will we stand on, no matter how unpopular it is to stand for? How likely are you to disappoint someone if it means living your truth and not theirs?
Are there parts of you that are not for sale? Are you so agreeable, that you will say ‘yes’, even when you mean ‘no’? Time to grow a pair and check that gut! The reason some of you have not gotten the opportunities you’re seeking, the respect you crave or the success you are after is probably because you have yet to learn to stand your ground. Start understanding the power of conquering the illusion that if you stand your ground, you will be less liked or admired. So ridiculously untrue. In fact, you will gain more influence, exclusivity and respect by having boundaries that you will not negotiate, no matter what. Let your reputation begin to be that your yes is a yes and your no, a no. But before that can be a reality for you…you must know what it is that you stand for. Your mind has got to be resolved to know who you are, what your belief system is and what your non-negotiables are. Having a strong mindset is not a popularity contest, it is however, a battle over what is most important to you, today and for the future and never letting anyone or any situation make you do anything to infringe on those ideas. Make a short list of the priorities you will not waver on, no matter who is asking. They may be professional, moral, personal or relational…they may be something else not mentioned but they will always be items that are most important to you. Want to have a strong mindset? Start by developing the short list identifying what makes you, you, mentally, and commit yourself to never allow those things to be walked on or over.
Day 9 of 30 days to a stronger mindset is all about this: I am going to understand who I am and what I believe in. I am going to stand my ground and gain the reputation that my boundaries are strong and my belief system is valid. I will not negotiate these items and I respectfully ask that any of them not be trampled. People will still see me, like me and accept me just how I am and even more so because I have boundaries.