Stand UP to Hatred! Why the continued killings, threats & toxic rhetoric?

Stand UP to Hatred! Why the continued killings, threats & toxic rhetoric?

Why is there a pandemic of ongoing shootings, killings and hate rhetoric in our country? Why is there now serious talk about justifying armed guards in places of worship because of Psalms 23 and the image of a shepherd using a staff to protect the flock? We go from a dialogue about better gun control to arming teachers in the classroom. The issue at hand goes beyond the second amendment and the right to own guns but the condition of the human heart? 

Why all of a sudden is the media paying attention to their ‘star hosts’ extreme rhetoric and life style choices? So the quick expulsion of a few CEO types or deleted tweets that referred to “bombs” or “fake bombs” or ‘blackface’ results in action being taken. Yet, the sad reality is that we should rise above the hate talk, whether that is a neighbor, parent, friend or someone in high office. We have to be better than this! As I reflect on the image of a shepherd protecting his/her flock the fact is the shepherd guide is someone who knows where to take their flock to get that drink from a cool stream, find the green pasture and be guided to a place of rest and protection at night. 

Sadly, the talk that comes out of too many, yes, the media and our commander in chief, is full of talk that is demeaning and prone to push a few to potentially do something crazy. I agree that you can’t blame the hate rhetoric for the direct cause of the actions of a few that end up killing 11 in a synagogue, 2 in a grocery store, 26 in a small church, 9 in a prayer meeting and 59 in the concert shooting in Vegas. Yet, I know that what I say, think ultimately does influence how I choose to live my life and those around me make the ultimate choice that impacts a life, a family and community. 

Yes, it’s true that sticks and stones, weapons of any type will potentially break bones and kill. Yet, the clear implication today is really that rhetoric doesn’t hurt anyone is so FALSE! The 20h anniversary of a young gay man that committed suicide must be a reminder! So how do we HEAL a nation, a community, a neighborhood or a family after the damage has been done? It’s so easy to cast the blame on someone else in a high position or the neighbor we can’t sand. What would happen if each of us, yes, average people, choose to show intentional kindness, bite your tongue and not return evil verbiage for hate talk? 

I witnessed first-hand last night a basketball game that turned into an almost brawl. I was shocked, taken back to see the crowd of kids and teens watch the unfortunate temper flares of a few over something rather crazy. Yet, a game in a park could have ended up with a few being seriously hurt. I’m so fortunate to have leaders who stepped up and stopped the obvious from happening. So, what happens when there isn’t any check and balance or moral fabric in our neighborhood, community or society? The tragic end result is murder of the faithful worshiping, kids or teens in a classroom or a special get away at a concert for a couple. 

There isn’t any simple solution that bypasses the average person, local council person, pastor, rabbi, Imam, grandparent or parent. Everyone is accountable for their own speech and actions. So, I know that it’s so easy to blame specific individuals for the latest news cycle. Yet, all of us are responsible for how far from normal our society has drifted from being civil. It’s beyond time to learn to listen, first before opening your mouth. 

Stand up to HATRED with a love that is strong and pursues being a peacemaker! 


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