Stand Out at Meetings
Dr. Nadeem Zaigham Ph.D.
Founder & CEO NASTAC N&S Training Advice Consultancy, Consultant & COO Be Positive Mental Healthcare Service.
Hello Everyone,
?You may not run every meeting you attend, but you can be an active participant and thereby contribute significantly to what gets accomplished.
?- Arrive on time, with agenda in hand. Don't miss meetings without prior notification/approval.
?- Stop doing any personal work as soon as the meeting begins.
?- Stick to the agenda and to the task at hand at any given moment. Build on the present discussion rather than changing the focus to your own interests.
?- Be positive. Maintain a problem-solving not a blame-placing posture; focus on the future rather than getting mired in the past. Focus on what can be done, rather than agonizing over the group's limitations.
?- Participate, speak up, and be candid, but don't monopolize the meeting. Encourage your colleagues to do the same.
?- When the meeting leader is failing to move the group in a productive direction, suggest ways to get the meeting back on track without threatening the leader.
?- Challenge bad ideas; present better ones. Don't attack people in the process.
?- Perform any agreed upon, between-meeting follow-up tasks within twenty-four hours.
?- Never leak confidential discussions to outsiders.
?- Report back immediately to those who count on being briefed by you regarding the outcomes of the meeting.
?- Whenever the group makes a democratic decision that goes against your judgment, say so. But once your exception is noted, support the group's decision to the hilt.