Stand Out In A Crowd Of Competitors
As a business owner, it can sometimes seem like everyone has decided to become your competition. Sometimes even worse, more and more competitors seem to appear and grow stronger and we often wonder “what are they doing differently?” ?Not everyone that seems to be growing is “doing it right,” but many companies have learned what I learned years ago… Social media, excellent websites, Blogging, and other digital platforms are here to stay, and doing it right is critical to your success.
Understand Your Audience
Many of the articles I’ve written on the topic of marketing are about knowing and understanding your audience. It is the key to marketing success, yet many of the people reading this will simply ignore this basic concept. If you can’t speak their language then you don’t know enough about your client to be of significant value to them. ?You need to know what concerns and problems they have and how you can provide solutions that make good business sense to BOTH of you.?Not being able to “speak their language” is like being a minister in church speaking English to an audience that only speaks and understands German! ?How effective do you think your sermon will be?
Establish Yourself as an Expert
One of the absolute best ways to set yourself apart from your competitors is to be thought of as the go-to expert. Often, experts don’t have formal certification declaring them as experts; it is simply based on their knowledge and expertise as perceived by their audience.?Most of us don’t realize when a politician says “it” over and over and over, he’s doing the equivalent of convincing you he is an expert in whatever he is saying.?Many times, just being a problem solver creates the impression that you are an expert.
Create a Sought-after Brand Online
From your website to your social media accounts and all your face-to-face marketing?... Click this link to read the rest of the article!
Owner, First Choice Equipment Sales
2 年Good read. Thank you.