Stand By Me
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Stand By Me

I said, "I am falling" but your constant love, O Lord, held me up. Whenever I am anxious and worried, you comfort and make me glad. Psalm 94:18-19 (TEV)

This past Sunday, before worship, I found another hymn that speaks to me. I hope it will speak to you as well. The lyrics are:

When the storms of life are raging,

stand by me.

When the world is tossing me like a ship upon the sea,

thou who rulest wind and water,

stand by me.

In the midst of tribulation,

stand by me.

When the hosts of hell assail, and my strength begins to fall,

thou who never lost a battle,

stand by me.

In the midst of faults and failures,

stand by me.

When I've done the best I can, and my friends misunderstand,

thou who knowest all about me,

stand by me.

In the midst of persecution,

stand by me.

When my foes in war array, undertake to stop my way,

thou who rescued Paul and Silas,

stand by me.

(Hymn - Stand By Me by Charles Albert Tindley - 1905)

Friend, if you relate to the above lyrics please be assured that God is with you and is willing to give you strength, comfort and guidance. God tells you every day, "I am with you. I love love. Trust me. I know your situation. Relax. I am taking care of your needs. Please trust me."

Take a deep breath and remember that God is by your side. Invite the Shepherd of your Heart to assist you to yield to God's guidance. Fully trust and permit God to guide you step by step.

Yes, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. And. Be. Grateful.

If this message resonates, please comment below.

#stayinthegame #jesusstandbyme #godstaywithme #godiswithyou


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