The Stakes
Miles Fidelman
Chief Engineer, Civic.Net Collaboration is Our Superpower Network We Must for a Better Tommorow Rebooting Democracy, Rebuilding America, Networking the Civil Body Politic of the Internet Age Since 1992.
#Election2014 #America250
I posted this to an email list I'm on - of folks who are generally pretty savvy:
One response: The article is laughable and just as unhinged as many anti-Harris blathering from the right. The problem with the analogies to Hitler is that the modern United States is not at all like 1930s Germany, in any dimension. The circumstances are radically different and different circumstance produce different results. The Hitler – Trump trope is just lazy journalism intended to be consumed by the credulous.
To which I responded:
Ahh.. there are none so blind as those who will not see. The man is playing from Goebbels' playbook, as perfected by Stalin, Mao, and Madison Avenue. A Reality TV Host who would be King, playing to an audience that thinks WWE is real. Proclaiming loudly and clearly that he would "Shred the Constitution," "Rule as a Dictator," weaponize the Justice Department, and turn the military on his political enemies. A man who admires Vladimir Putin and wants generals like Hitler's.
Meanwhile the Generals he fired, last time around, denounce him as "Fascist to the core," perhaps hoping that a new generation of Generals aren't forced into an Operation Valkyrie or Seven Days in May situation.
How much clearer can it be?
Yes... one hopes the outcome will be different than Germany in 1933. But it could also be worse.
Followed by:
It’s all so exhausting but I pay Attention to Reputable Sources