The Stakeholder Experience

The Stakeholder Experience

?Last week we talked about the human connection however this week I want to expand on that thought a bit. I want to talk about the stakeholder (internal or external) connection. Dr. Tony Alessandra tells us that our role is acquire and maintain customers. The Theory of Constraints tells us that we need to raise revenue not cut costs as a primary focus. This view changes the way we look at the stakeholder experience.

To begin with let’s make sure we are on the same page as what we consider a stakeholder to be. Our definition of a stakeholder comes from R Edward Freidman in his stakeholder theory. The theory tells us that a stakeholder is an entity engaged in an interconnected relationship between your organization and the entities that influence the organization. This includes your human capital assets, your customers, your suppliers, your investors, and your communities. It also includes anyone else with an interest or stake in the organization. From this we can gather that we are viewing the world not as we see it but as the world sees the organization. What we have referred in the past as the window-mirror syndrome. We accomplish serving the stakeholders of the organization by creating an environment of customer co-creation.

?Customer Co-Creation

?What do we mean by the term customer co-creation. Coming from the design thinking methodology it refers to the process of engaging your stakeholders in the development of business processes. When we look at the world as we see it, the tendency is to give the stakeholders a second-place view in our world. We recognize they are what keeps the business afloat, but we know better what we need to do then they do. Wrong!!!!

It is imperative that we involve the stakeholders in the improvement process from the very beginning – when a problem is reported. There is no such thing as the need-to-know environment. They need to walk the walk and talk the talk with us as true partners. It is part of the human connection we talked about last week. The stakeholder must be included in the information flow whether it is good information or bad information. The stakeholder should be invited to participate in the Gemba Walks of the process.

?Stakeholder Co-creation is delivered in three phases. It begins with enrolling stakeholders who care about you and who you trust to tell you the reality of the process development to them and your organization. The selection of involved stakeholders must be diverse that involves not only targeted stakeholders but other stakeholders as well.

An additional cautionary note is that the introduction of the new process is not an opportunity to try and sell your customers ANYTHING. You are introducing this new process solution based on their needs and wishes. This is not to suggest that if you purchase this, the process will get better.?

Like all improvement efforts your best results will come from starting small. Pick one stakeholder and begin with them. When the implementation is a success roll it out to additional stakeholders one step at a time. Give them two or three options on how to deliver the new process and let them select the one that best meets their needs. Remember in moving towards innovation and improvement you must allow the stakeholder to see the problem and feel the problem. How was it affecting them before the solution and how will it affect them after the introduction of the process.

Another aspect of this customer co-creation is the way in which you communicate with the stakeholders. They need to be able to see the problem. Use your storyboards and other visual tools to explain the changes. The stakeholder should be able to view the process in real time and feel free to express their like s and dislikes with the change. The other expectation is that stakeholder is going to expect that their thoughts and views will be used. The only way to show this is by delivering timely feedback to them as how the suggestions are utilized.

?Learning launch

?You are now at ground zero. The learning launch allows for a bridge between your efforts to date and the commercial rollout.? It provides the true test of the validity of your efforts because the stakeholder now has a chance to get their hands wet by using the new process on a grand scale. We learn from the mistakes and the rewards of the new process in action. Beware that this is not designed to be a short time intervention but a usage over the long haul as the stakeholder begins to use your new process in delivering their end product or service to their clients.

?It is critical at this juncture that your organization look at what you expect from the marketplace. Answer the questions regarding your intent with this solution.

1.??? While you think you have reached the ideal goal what assumptions still have to be tested including the development of the process metrics.

2.??? Create an in-market test plan to test those assumptions needing answers. Since this is not a pilot create a time frame and lay out your plans to the end of the launch. The launch will require the creation of the process team that is both disciplined and agile. They must be firm in a commitment to the process changes but also ready, willing and able to change paths if the process calls for additional changes.

The learning launch also requires on-ramps which layout the process map for the introduction. The key here is once again how you communicate the process to the stakeholders. Following this the launch requires a decision be made as how you go forward. It means you need to let the stakeholders tell you what is needed to shape the new process into something you can execute to the stakeholders of your organization.

?We need to take a moment to discuss one usual missing piece in an overview of the stakeholder role in your organization. As organizations we all too often dismiss the local community as being a viable stakeholder in your organization. Why not, you can always pick u and move your organization to another one. While you operate in their communities, they are a vital stakeholder. They provide services that you need such as public safety and health and financial support in the way of services both public and private. It is critical that they be treated as vital parts of the process.

?I have tried in the past editions of the TLS Continuum Toolbox Newsletter to suggest to you that there is a different way to look at process improvement and innovation in your organization. If we include the concepts that the R&D and marketing people use in those steps, we develop changes and innovations that truly meet the needs of the stakeholders to your organization. When we do that, we increase both the bottom line and the rate of productivity of the organization. It is this air of total partnership that creates this unique working relationship we want in our use of the TLS Continuum to resolve issues pertaining to stakeholder needs.

An Invite: We have started a new group on LinkedIn. It is the TLS Continuum - The Human Connection. We want to start a conversation regarding how we get around the ASSUMPTION that our human capital assets understand the improvement process and how we can bring them into the game. No selling allowed, just open dialogue. Join the dialogue, invite your network to become involved.

?Looking for the perfect model for improving your organizational processes? Order your copy of the TLS Continuum Field Guide - How the Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma will transform your operations and Program flow to be released in February of 2024

About the author: Daniel Bloom knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR, a strategic HR consultant and trainer. Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter.

The best strategy that I ever undertook was earning my SPHR and the Six Sigma Black Belt. You can take the same path with our Road to Operational Excellence - The Human Capital Edition

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