Stained Glass
I hesitated writing another article so soon since my last post... but, I had to share my thoughts today. I sat down at home for the first time since leaving at 7am this morning. It is now a little after 6pm. My neighborhood is quintessential middle class in the burbs. We are surrounded by affluence, and I do mean affluence. We have the leaders of industry living within walking distance from my house. Of course, I like to point out that I bring the medium average income down. My house, as I refer to it, is the serf hut. But, I digress. We live in harmony and peace.
I went outside to eat my dinner and look at the new magazine delivered in the mail today. In Michigan, when the sun is out, you are outside. We suffer so many gray days, it is almost criminal to be inside. So, I commence to look at my new magazine of the home and garden variety. Oh... those pristine yards, clean kitchens, perfect everything! I looked around my yard. weeds. Tall weeds. Dandelions. The hum and buzz of neighbors mowing their lawns taunting me. And I am sitting.
I worked all day, ran errands, and cooked a quick meal. Sitting down to catch up on news and a magazine shouldn't cause guilt. But, there it was... staring at me. Perfection!
I am not complaining. I am just pointing out I live in Realsville. Dishes are in the sink, school work is on the counter. My poor kitchen table collects the detritus of the day..keys, mail, odds and ends of life. Yes, my yard is in need of help. My house could use the house cleaning fairy visits. But, I am happy as I sip on wine in a water stained glass.
Don't forget, the glass that is half empty or half full can always be refilled. Have a great day!