The stages of Moses and Aaron’s survive from Pharaoh and his entourage
Dina Eltawila/ Egypt
Blogger, content creator, communication officer and ambassador at GPLT Global peace let’s talk.
Beginning: What does the sentence mean to you?
(Moses’ salvation from Pharaoh) Pride - victory - empowerment after vulnerability - right? If you think about this, then you are right, but if they achieved victory without effort, this is impossible, as for them not paying the price, this is a second impossibility. As for the third impossibility: that Moses saved without intense scrutiny for no reason other than because he was among the Messengers of determination, The people of determination among the messengers are five prophets and messengers from God Almighty (Noah - Abraham - Moses - Jesus - Muhammad) May God’s prayers be upon them all. There were many prophets from heaven, but these five had a life full of difficulties and challenges, the more than any other prophets, they were called that because they were very patient in conveying their call until God helped them
Did salvation come in one day and one night? No, Moses, peace be upon him, treated the children of Israel severely, as they were a people who were disobedient to God Almighty and often argued.
Let us take the nine stages in the salvation of Moses and those with him among the believers, one by one.
The first stage
The Copts of Egypt continued to disbelieve in Moses and his message
The Egyptian Copts persisted in their disbelief in Moses and his message, their stubbornness, and their support of Pharaoh, who are the Copts of Egypt: Copt is a word used to refer to the people of Egypt, meaning whatever their religion was. He was not Christians, as some believe, and Christianity had not yet descended.
Did Moses come to them with a message, i.e. to the Copts?
Of course, some types of torment were inflicted on them as a type of miracle, and all of them were tangible miracles, such as blood coming out of water taps, locusts, frogs, and others, The West today calls it the wrath of nature, and believers in God in every era call it the wrath of God, or here a physical miracle so that whoever believes will believe on the basis of evidence and disbelieve whoever disbelieves on the basis of evidence of his matter.
Pharaoh persisted in his power, tyranny, disbelief, and tyranny, tempting his people away from the true religion.
What is the evidence for this?
Allah says
{????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????? ??????????????} [????: 83]
{So none believed in Moses except some offspring from his people out of fear of Pharaoh and his elite, lest he tempt them. Indeed, Pharaoh is arrogant in the land, and indeed he is among the extravagant.} [Yunus: 83]
So the people of Egypt called them the elite - call them the non-weak ones. Those who believed among them were a few because they were afraid of the oppression of Pharaoh and his people, and the people: they are the ones who fill the first rows in palaces, parties, and other official ceremonies, they are the ones whose eyes are filled with splendor, and they are the ones with high white collars. Egyptian Coptic believers were afraid of these people and of course Pharaoh as well.
Then God Almighty follows this situation
That Pharaoh was high in the land and was one of the extravagant.
The second stage
Take distinctive homes in Egypt
God Almighty inspired his Prophet Moses and his brother Aaron - peace be upon them - to take homes for their people distinct from the homes of the Copts, so that they would be prepared to leave if they were ordered to do so, so that they would know each other’s homes.
God Almighty said
?????????????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ? ????????? ???????????????
And We revealed to Moses and his brother, “Reside for your people homes in Egypt, and make your homes a qibla (direction) and establish prayer and give good news to the believers.
The noble verse carries the idea of loyalty and disavowal, identity, difference, preserving religious identity in the midst of the common people, and most importantly: that God - the Almighty - He commanded them to make special homes for the children of Israel, and to make the house of Moses and his brother Aaron - peace be upon them - a qibla to which the believers turn wherever they need something, even if it is something moral such as steadfastness in faith.
The third stage
Moses - peace be upon him - meeting with his followers
He advises them, confirms them, guides them, and connects them to the Creator of the earth and heaven, because the believers forget the reminder, so no human being is named except human being in Arabic language ( Insan) except from forgetfulness, and God Almighty says
( ???? ??? ?????? ???? ????????)
(and remember, for the reminder benefits the believers)
Therefore, God Almighty said regarding Moses, peace be upon him, as he rewarded the Children of Israel in the covenant of faith
Allah says
{??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????? ???????? ?????????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ????????????} [????: 84].
{And Moses said, “O my people, if you believe in God, then put your trust in Him if you are Muslims” [Yunus: 84].
We benefit from the noble verse: Trust in God - the Almighty - is part of the journey of faith for each individual, although faith is easy to say there is no god but God on a piece of paper that you inherited from your family, trust is a practical thing and not just words, and although it is practical it is an obedience of the heart, Obedience of the heart is attained by none of the believers except those who have risen in their faith, and trust is a test, so it is not empty statements. I trust in God and the matter is over, Rather, the test is severe: it will put you in the frame of the picture alone, without supporters. If you are determined to move forward despite the large number of those who are reluctant around you, then you are truly trusting in God.
Look at what the children of Israel said when Moses, peace be upon him, confirmed them
Allah says
{?????????? ????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????????}[????: 85]
{So they said, “In God we put our trust. Our Lord, make us not a trial for the wrongdoing people.” [Yunus: 85]
The fourth stage
Moses, peace be upon him, asked God Almighty for severity against Pharaoh and his entourage
Allah says
{????? ???? ???????? ??????????????? {????????????? ????? ????????????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????????} [????: 89]
{He said, “Your supplication has been answered,” {So be steadfast and do not follow the path of those who do not know} [Yunus: 89]
The question here
We did not hear about the destruction of Pharaoh’s palaces or his entourage until they died, so how (the call of Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them was answered), does God - glory be to Him - not carry out His word? Far be it from neither. Rather, I will implement them, but in another way, by bequeathing everything they have to Moses, Aaron, and the believers with him. Of course, God is Most High and Most Knowing. What is strangest is that He - Glory be to Him - He did not have to invite them right away and just think, “No, no.” Rather, he ordered them to be upright and not follow the path of corruptors. Why? Why does God Almighty burden those who believe in Him with commands and prohibitions in difficult times? He leaves the disobedient, the criminals, and the corrupt as they are, and orders are multiplied against the believers. This is truly strange. The original is that God would ease the burden on Moses and Aaron because they were the ones who carried his call and spread it among the Egyptians.
No, the truth is that the integrity of Moses and Aaron is the best thing for their call so that he does not lose sight of Pharaoh and his entourage for a moment and become a zero number that he can influence. and God is superior and knows best.
The fifth stage
The decisive moment, for which Moses, Aaron, and the believers with him had been preparing for years, came before we began to talk about this stage. There is a pressing question on the mind: Why would they leave Egypt when they would inherit the palaces of the Children of Israel, their money, and their jewelry? Why then immigration and psychological torture? Migration is not a suitcase for a trip to the coast. Emigration is a suitcase full of memories.
The truth is, we do not know what God Almighty wants, but perhaps when God Almighty saves you from a real tragedy, do not sit in the same place where you were tortured for a long time. Go out and leave all the psychological and perhaps physical torture behind you, and when you return, you will not find your country the same as your country, nor you. Everything has changed for the better and better and more completely. now, let’s return to the decisive moment.
Allah says
{????????????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ???????????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????????? ????? ???????????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??????? ???????? ???????????????? ????? ???????????? ?????????????? ????????????} [???????: 52-60].
{And We revealed to Moses, “I am pleased with My servants. Indeed, you will be followed, So Pharaoh sent envoys into the cities to be crowed, Indeed, these are a small group and indeed they are angry us and indeed we are all wary So We brought them forth from gardens and springs and treasures and an honorable abode in like manner, and We made them an inheritance to the Children of Israel so they followed them, in early morning} [Al-Shu’ara’: 52-60].
That is, Pharaoh pursued Moses, Aaron, and the Children of Israel with soldiers, and overtook them at sunrise, The two groups now looked at each other: each party saw the other party with its own eyes, The believers who were with Moses, peace be upon him, were afraid and said their famous saying in the history of the heavenly religions {Indeed, we will overtake} [Al-Shu'ara: 61] Because the sea is in front of them and Pharaoh and his entourage are behind them, death is certain, Moses' response - peace be upon him - was:
Allah says
{????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???????????} [???????: 62]
{He said, “No. Indeed, with me is my Lord. He will guide me.” [Al-Shu’ara’: 62]
So simple, and will this word reassure believers with him? Did Moses, peace be upon him, have a strong personality? I mean psychological strength: You might find a fat man terrified when he sees a mouse running away, You see the thin, weak, strong-willed man shaking everything he sees because of his psychological strength, We return to Moses, peace be upon him: The truth is that Moses’ faith rose in his chest to the highest levels of faith, as if he saw victory before his eyes, and this strength was sufficient to carry the believers from the children of Israel behind him.
Sixth stage
The meeting of the two groups
Moses did not teach or understand the wisdom of God, yet he implemented it. We do not understand the wisdom of God Almighty in most of what happens in our lives, and we stand shocked and saddened by the position of our Lord toward us, We believe in Him, then things become clear and God’s wisdom becomes clear, but whether father or mother, what they did for us was better than what God chose for us.
And look
The story of Pharaoh and his entourage and their palaces and their night-time and drunkenness as a mockery of Moses and those with him among the believers has ended... One chapter has ended and another chapter will begin in which the believers will rise, People of faith rise and truth triumphs for the first time in this part of long human history.
In conclusion
The truth is, there is no real knowledge: but all we understand is that the speed in narrating events in the Qur’an is not what is true, but rather years and years. every day, Moses, Aaron, and the believers with him went through psychological harm from denying the corrupt elite and completing what God had directed him to do without tirelessness, boredom, or despair until God saved him.
Which means salvation at the beginning of the path. Its color, taste, and smell are not known. That is, it is a material and intangible thing. So how can it shine in the mind of those who wait for it without being represented as a material thing in front of them?
It is the fruit of trust, and it is all the work of the heart, in which the material matters of this life have nothing to do with it.
2 - Believers are more severely afflicted than non-believers
Saad bin Abi Waqqas, may God be pleased with him, says: I said: O Messenger of God, which people are most afflicted? He said: ((The prophets, then the best, then the best, then the man will be tested according to his religion,
If there is firmness in his religion, his trial will intensify, and if there is gentleness in his religion, he will be tested according to his religion. The trial will continue with the servant until he is left walking on the earth without a sin upon him.))
3 - Migration from the country of origin is prescribed for every believer, it seems, and it means uprooting the roots and planting them in other places that may not resemble ours and we do not know anything about them. It is the will of God - glory be to Him -
4 - The outcome is for the righteous - the outcome is for the believers - the outcome is for the successful, Peace be upon Moses and Aaron, the two biggest brothers in human history. They supported each other in times of hardship. During the time of victory, the brothers continued to teach and teach the children of Israel, the more important:
What does it matter to us as Muslims if this story is mentioned in our book, the Holy Qur’an?
One of the events of the end of time will be a great rise for them on earth, both east and west, and the question that we must ask ourselves as Muslims: Are we really believers? Are we upright in God's commands? Are we not following the spoilers...if we were to wait for victory when and where, and not smell it, it does not matter, most importantly: We await victory with faith and certainty, and we know that many martyrs will fall among us, leaving only a few that God wants for something great, and God is Most High and Most Knowing.
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4 个月Mashallah, Just Pray SHUKRANA-E-REHMAT to Allah Pak who has given all of us Provided all related Stuffs with each single Breadth we are having (AAMEEN/Summa AAMEEN).