Stage Fright
Jaya Mangaraj
Empanelled Independent Director | Author | ESG Professional | Portfolio, Program, Project Management – Evangelist | Operations Transformation - CoE
I was representing my house in a school debate. A 6th standard kid barely understood the topic. So, our housemaster wrote the script, and made us rehearse prior to the event. I remember the topic was for inducting women officers in the armed forces. And I was speaking for the motion.
The debate was part of annual day function. where there were distinguished guests from state agencies, beside more than a thousand seniors and classmates in the townhall, eagerly waiting to see their house win in the competition.
The debate started after a short lecture from school principal. There were 4 speakers before me. They heated up and raised the temperature. My adrenalin was rising, at the same time there was a feeling of nervous energy. But I was slated to win, because of the skill and reputation of our housemaster.
I climbed the stage, everyone clapped in anticipation of listening to a poetic script. I started, exactly how I was coached. There were resounding audience claps after every sentence I spoke. I picked up momentum and raised my voice a little more. After every word I uttered, audience started clapping and cheering! And suddenly I forgot the script!
I just blanked out, trying hard to remember the next line. It was looking odd! I became conscious of the crowd and getting nervous. Oh, after a horrifying minute, our house master walked up the stage and handed me the script and pat me on the back. Took a few deep breaths, and I re-started with confidence!
Since then, within me, there was a constant search to find the reasons behind stage fear! In between I have been speaking in many stages and overcame the fears. I realized, fear itself is an expression of our ego. In the school debate incident, classmates and housemaster pumped me up so much that I have to win at any cost. My attention was on beating down everyone… I was on a sticky wicket!