Stage 2 of our Marketing Funnel: INTEREST
Adam Agresta
Empowering Agencies, Franchises & Businesses with AI-Driven Landing Page Solutions
Let's say you and a few of your closest mates head out to your local for a couple of bevvies. In the corner of your eye you see this gorgeous looking female walking past you.
Your first instinct: "Wow."
Your second instinct: "Don't say something stupid, don't say something stupid, don't say something stupid"
What comes out of your mouth as soon as she looks at you: "H..... How's the weather?!"
Result: She laughs, walks away, but looks back at you with a smirk.
Remember what Stage 1 of the Marketing Funnel was? That's right... AWARENESS. It may have been an extremely unconventional way of gaining that woman's attention, but you ultimately achieved your goal of bringing her into the top of your funnel.
(I am so sorry about this analogy. It seemed viable when I begun typing and now it is just far too late to go back and start again. Plus I have only had 1 coffee so give me a break)
Now that you've gained her attention, you need to figure out how to gain her INTEREST. It's a competitive market, so you best think outside the box!
Let's brainstorm a few ideas:
Idea #1
Stand up on the table next where she is sitting, and proceed to announce the following at the top of your voice: "Here ye, Here ye, I hereby proclaim that at the hour of five of the afternoon, all said beverages on the premises in which we currently stand, will be paid in full by yours truly, for I am the most generous man of them all."
Pros: Don't do this.
Cons: Refer to the Pros.
Idea #2
Get one of your mates to walk over to said woman with a note that has been hand written by you, that says: "Hey gorgeous, just thought I would pass on my number. Why don't you call me sometime ;) 04XX XXX XXX"
Pros: The rejection may not be instant, as you'll spend the next 365 days waiting for her call.
Cons: You're wasting paper, ink, and throwing away your manhood.
Idea #3
Walk up to this beautiful woman, apologise for interrupting if she is standing/sitting with her friends and introduce yourself like the gentleman you are, throwing in the following cheesy joke: "I just wanted to let you know that I contacted the weatherman and after finding out what I said to you earlier, his forecast was cloudy with a chance of embarrassment".
Pros: The approach is smooth and gentleman like, and by throwing in a self-deprecating joke you are sure to win brownie points, and a few cheeky laughs.
Cons: You risk rejection and may get laughed at, but everyone loves a trier.
If you haven't already worked it out, IDEA #3 is the clear winner, for obvious reasons. But for the purpose of this analogy, let's break it down as to why.
Our goal for this particular stage of the funnel is to ensure our prospect becomes INTERESTED in us.
Are we going to achieve that by looking like an egotistical d**khead (Idea #1)?
Are we going to achieve that by hiding behind a napkin with a sleazy pick up line (Idea #2)?
Heck no.
Are we going to achieve that by showing authenticity, integrity and adding a side of humour to boot (Idea #3)?
If we have the attention of our ideal prospect, then yes, it is highly likely they will become interested.
At this stage of the funnel, we have three main priorities:
#1 - Show our offering
#2 - Develop relationships
#3 - Build trust
With that in mind, let's now talk about how we can gain the Interest of a prospect that has just entered the top of our funnel.
I am going to assume that we have been able to capture the prospects full name, email address and perhaps a few other demographical pieces of information too.
The first thing I would do is look into email marketing tools. The one I will recommend for this example is ActiveCampaign as I have used it myself and have seen great results. Check their site out here.
Once signed up I would create a specific Email Automation sequence that looks a little something like this:
Step 1: I would create a list called the 'New Prospects' list, whereby any prospect that signs up to our Newsletter, sends a web enquiry or provides their email via any other method, automatically enters this list
Step 2: Send a 'Welcome' email to each prospect that enters the 'New Prospects' list
Step 3: Add a rule that says: *Wait 2 days*
Step 4: Send a 'Follow-up' email IF the prospect has not responded to the 'Welcome' email OR clicked on a specific link within that email.
Step 5: Add a rule that says *Wait 3 days*
Step 6: Send a 'Client Testimonial' email IF the prospect has not responded to the 'Follow-up' email OR clicked on a specific link within that email.
And so on...
Your automation sequence may look a little different with regards to the rules you apply and the content you are sending over, but the fundamental priority stays the same: Do whatever you need to do to engage with your prospect and help them become interested.
I could write a thesis on why I believe ActiveCampaign, if executed correctly, would be incredibly beneficial to your business (no matter your sector, business or product), but unfortunately I won't be receiving a degree for this article, so I will refrain from doing that. I will however seriously encourage you to look into AC because their tool is the real deal.
I would implement an email marketing automation strategy immediately, but I would also ensure it is just one part of an all encompassing strategy. Remember, prospects also "Enter the Top of your Funnel" when they start following you on one of your social media sites too, so have a think about what you need to do to gain their interest on those channels as well.
In my next article we'll find out what we need to do to convince the girl we met at the bar to CONSIDER going on a date with us. Stay tuned...
Helpful questions to ask yourself for this stage of the funnel:
- What are we doing to ensure we portray the highest level of brand authenticity?
- Have we produced client testimonials or case studies? If so, have our prospects seen them?
- What type of content do we need to be putting on Linkedin Vs Instagram Vs Email Vs Facebook Vs Webinars at this stage of the funnel?
- Have we actually caught the attention of our prospects or have they only got one eye open?
Got any questions? Feel free to DM me anytime :)
Helping Businesses to ethically Outsource | Recruitment and Management of Virtual Assistants and Remote Teams | Australian Women's Golf Network Ambassador
5 年Loving your writing style Adam and your message is spot on. What would you be like after a few more coffees!