Staffordshire Moving Image Cluster - Industry Forum
Chris Parr
??BBC Environmental Award Winning Social Entrepreneur & ‘Points of Light’ Recipient #2115. Creating Bottle Kiln Products from Recycled Pallets Celebrating #StokeonTrent’s #Pottery & Industrial #Heritage. @theStoke2000
Chris Parr at Shine in Media, recently attended the initial Staffordshire Moving Image Forum at The CoRE Centre of Refurbishment Excellence in Stoke-on-Trent.
Staffordshire has a growing film, television and creative digital sector and over the last few years it has developed into a dynamic and important part of the region’s economy.
To build upon this success the Factory programme has been approached by a number of individual companies to assist in developing a proposal for a Staffordshire wide ‘Moving Image’ Cluster to drive the economic development of the industry through programmes of collaboration, training, networking, advocacy and inward investment.
This industry forum will present the proposals and discuss the form, function and strategic direction of the proposed cluster.
We are keen to ensure that any cluster is driven by the sector in collaboration with major stakeholders and we will also be inviting representatives from the Staffordshire Chambers, UKTI, Creative England alongside regional and local government and regional universities to take part in the discussion.