Staffing and Service Models
Contact Centers : Workforce Management and Quality Optimization Specialist
Once workload has been calculated and a speed of answer objective established, staffing numbers can be calculated. Due to the random arrival of calls and the fact that some callers will find no agent available, it is not simple to match workload with a given number of staff. Finding the right number of staff involves the use of detailed mathematical models that replicate the unique staffing issues of the call center.
There are several mathematical models that are used in telephone traffic engineering applications. Some of these are particularly suited to the unique operational aspects of the call center. The primary traffic models associated with call center operations are:
Erlang C Model
Most call center used a model called Erlang C to determine resource requirements to handling incoming calls. The assumptions behind the Erlang C model are that the events (or calls) arrive randomly within the work period (hour or half hour). The Erlang C model also assumes that if a calls attempt is made and no resource (in this case, a call center agent) is in place to handle the call, the call will go into a queue and wait there until there is a resource to handle it. It is the model used most frequently in a simple call center scenarios where a caller is asked to hold for the first available agent when entering the queue,
Formula and Tables
The formula for Erlang C is somewhat complex, and it is difficult to calculate staffing requirements and delay information using a pencil and calculator. The formula is as follows:
The Erlang C formula has been used to create Erlang C tables which can be used to determine the number of resources required to meet a certain service goal, or to determine a resulting delay statistic if the number of resources is given below table contains an excerpt of an Erlang C table for 20 hours of telephone workload.
The steps of using and Erlang table are as follows:
Erlang C Software Tools
The Erlang C model is used as the basis for many call center staffing tools. The staffing tool used to calculate the examples is called QuickStaff - a call center resource planning tool developed and distributed by the call center school. (Note: The QuickStaff tool is available for download from This tool uses the Erlang C model to calculate required resources if workload and service goals are known, or conversely to calculate the service statistics with workload and staff numbers as input.
With Love and Sincerity,
Contact Center Workforce Management and Quality Optimization Specialist.