Stabilize Your Company in an Unpredictable Economy by Leading with Encouragement
Full Sail Leadership Academy
Increase productivity and profitability through lessons in shared language, steward leadership and sailing.
To encourage is to be vulnerable.
That vulnerability holds the power to galvanize your team so that you can sail through the stormiest seas.? It can be the difference between surviving an unstable economy and closing up shop.??
Creating a culture of encouragement in the workplace starts at the top.? If you dare to encourage your team vulnerably, you will make an impact that stretches much further than a dollar.
You’ll make the world a better place.? Here are four steps you can take – for free – to cultivate a culture of encouragement in your company.??
1: Start by Encouraging Yourself?
GiANT Co-Founder, Jeremie Kubicek encourages leaders to identify how they talk to themselves.??
How do you encourage yourself?? Consider the following questions:?
Knowing how you encourage yourself will help you – and your team – understand how you lead others.? And why you lead them that way.???
2: Be Honest About How You View Your Employees?
You’re not going to be best friends with every employee.??
The question you must ask yourself is – how do you view your employees???
Embrace the inherent value of each employee’s humanity – and your heart will open up to offer more substantial encouragement.??
3: Invite Feedback From Your Team?
When people are invited to the table, something powerful happens.? You gain insight.? They feel empowered.? Comradery grows.? Momentum builds.??
Whether it’s a survey, conversation, retreat – just be intentional.? Once you gain the feedback you need to offer meaningful encouragement, the next step is implementing what’s reasonable and achievable.??
4: Take a Practical Approach to Cultivate a Culture of Encouragement in the Workplace?
Begin by reflecting on the previous three steps:??
Learn how you encourage yourself – and how you want to be encouraged.? Change starts with the person in the mirror.?Then take the steps necessary to treat others – your team – as you would want to be treated.
Ready to Dive Deeper??
The time is now.? This is your opportunity.? Together, we can make the world a better place by making our workplaces better.???
For a deeper dive into how you can learn to lead by encouragement, check out today's full post for more: