St John of God and I
Aquilino Gonzalez-Canovas
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist, proactive community programs development
When I was a child
My father took me to St John of God House
In my hometown
One of the rooms, I recall,
Was filled with tools and machinery
Which father had donated
Then he said to me,
This is who you are meant to be
Some sixty years later
I come across St John of God
Having understood
That Faith has changed my life
That I am meant to look after
The Poor and the Broken
To improve their quality of life
Father, likely, did not sense the consequences
Of his concern towards the poor
His son followed such path
I became one with such
He had forgotten what he had said to me
There at St John of God’s House
When I a child was
The Master of St John’s of God’s House
Burned in my soul the words of Father
For it was the Father of the Son
Who spoke to me such day
Thereof, everything changed
And the poor and broken
Became my challenge
I cannot offer things
I share my soul with them
My Father’s children
So many years have passed
It seemed to me that I knew
St John of God
There a memory broke through
My purpose in life did change
I recall my father and San Juan de Dios
At the core of my being
I became one with God and his Broken Children
Thank you Father
For the source of Light
Shines brightly
And the source of Life
Is just