St. Albans (via Starbucks) & bobble hats
Brogues, Jack Wills shirt and v-neck away, old trainers and woolly hat(*) are at-the-ready, for this years St Albans Fred Hughes memorial run. 1000 runners will kick off the 10-miler, at 10am on Sunday 21st January. (might be a little drop of rain, mind!)
(*) woolly bobble hat photo at the end. #cosy
Through the back lanes we go.
After 50 minutes, finishing in a blistering 5min/mile pace, elite speed-machine, Paul Martelletti takes the first finisher spot.
Just a note about the conditions- it was scary-icy in spots out on course - Paul still managed to put the foot well & truly down.
Race done! Carbs reload time, @thepub.
The very best of luck to all the runners taking part, please come and say hi to myself and Ben, your friendly togs for the morning. (high 5's and hugs are provided with out warmest compliments)
Event photos will be available by Tuesday evening, January 23rd, from, then in to Galleries.
Best wishes,
Stuart March Photography x
Photo: Sarah Dryden