??SSL Certificates- Indispensable part of Web-Security
Anukriti Srivastava
Microsoft SaaS I Digital Transformation I Cyber Security I Business Development, Account Management & Client Acquisition
Everything is Available & Approachable in today’s world - Like in just one click, Literally in just ONE CLICK. So, It’s crucial to take care of your web security. It's not an option anymore!
Let’s take few things that we do online on daily basis for instance - Bank account transactions, Utilities payment, Shopping, Food order, Booking appointments, Web-ex etc etc and etc.... The list will not cease easily!
And for each of such transactions you need to enter your personal & confidential information on the web browser which needs to be exchanged with the main web server.
Like if you are doing shopping on Amazon, then to make the shopping successful , there has to be a communication between the web browser ( machine where you are online - mobile/laptop/desktop etc ) and to the main Web server (Amazon server). Every website you surf, every transaction you do on the internet requires communication between the Main server and your web browser to make sure transaction is successful & complete.
And there, exactly there, the role of SSL Certificate comes in!
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate ensures safe & secured method of transferring your data/information in an encrypted form between your web browser and main web server with the help of Public & Private key. So that it remains protected and intact from hacking or any kind of malicious attack. SSL is one of the components of HTML- Hyper Text Mark-up Language. User can come to know if particular website is protected by seeing a lock or sometimes a green tab on the left side of the address bar.
To make it more clear, You can check this video:
Especially with the numbers of cyber crime damage rising so high (estimated around $6 trillion by year 2021), you can’t and you shouldn’t neglect this aspect of web security anymore!
With the same regards, one of the earliest steps was taken by Google in year 2014 by stating that websites which are secured with SSL will have better search engine ranking and will be more promoted on SEO. One more major veer was followed in year 2017, when Google clearly highlighted any website which is not safe to surf because it fails to have SSL Certificates or fails to renew them after their expiry. All such initiatives were taken particularly to ensure web is a safe place.
Coming from Digital Security company & understanding how important it is in current times, the only disadvantage I see in SSL is the cost which is nothing when you compare it with its humongous list of advantages.
All & all it brings Profound internet security!
The only task here is how to manage these SSL Certificates as it comes with an expiry date which has to be updated regularly. For this you can rely on us RNTrust https://www.rn-trust.com/.
We will help you in the management & automation of SSL Certificates along with complete Nitty- gritty of the process so that you can be worry free and focus more on your other Business domain, eventually helping you to achieve Business-Operational Excellence in this crucial time and Beyond!
For any query or To have a talk, Please feel free to drop a mail at [email protected]
You can also Book for a FREE Webinar on the topic of SSL Management -Protecting Machine Identities : Blueprint for x.509/SSL Automation & Management with our experts on -
or Drop a message to me on LinkedIn or visit our page.