SSC|SSCS Joint Annual Meeting 2024
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to welcome you in Lausanne to the Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Societies of Cardiology ( SwissCardio ) and Cardiac Surgery ( SGHC SSCC ) from June 19-21, 2024 (
After an exciting conference together with the Swiss Societies of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery in 2023, the scientific committee of 2024 will again prepare a program covering a broad spectrum of areas in cardiology and cardiac surgery.
During the three congress days, the delegates will be provided interesting lectures on the most recent guidelines and the newest developments. Workshops and postgraduate courses will offer young but also experienced colleagues the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specific topics.
The new digital track will address the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence and large language models in cardiac medicine.
Oral abstract sessions and poster walks will provide opportunities for researchers and clinicians to present their latest scientific findings and thrilling clinical cases.
We are also very happy to welcome the French Society of Cardiology ( SFC - Société Fran?aise de Cardiologie ) for two joint sessions addressing recent developments in rhythmology and cardiac prevention!
Social events are once again on the agenda, offering the occasion to get together with colleagues and networking in a pleasant environment. We are convinced that this program will meet your expectations and we are looking forward to seeing you in Lausanne!
With best regards,
Tobias Rutz, PD Dr. med. | Congress President
Richard Kobza , Prof. Dr. med. | President SSC
Marjam Rüdiger -Stürchler, Dr. med. |Scientific Secretary & Director SSC
Enrico Ferrari , Prof. Dr. med. | President SSCS