srwx - archive - 01
I forgot to publicly thank everyone at @secureworks, I'm not there anymore because it became impossible for me to do useful work at that place. It then became literally impossible to do any work at all. Not that I didn't want to.
You may want to sit back and be in a mood for change to read this. Also, the difference between not useful work and no work is somewhat explained, in there, and also further below.
If you still haven't been able to make the difference, by the time you reach two third of this not so short article, then you probably won't by reaching the end of it. But you would have enjoyed getting to know a few other things. Whether you agree with them does not matter really. If something needs facts and numbers I will back them up, so anyone can verify it correlates perfectly. I would prefer to stick to the main method of demonstration: Stories.?
I changed my mind on novels. All characters are imaginary. If a character is not imaginary, it's a person. Not a character. There is nobody in this article. But it is me writing it, and aside jokes, everything is fictional of course.
Between the two, useful and not useful work, at least in my story, and surely in general, there is almost none, I'm sorry I have difficulties showing the glasses pane we all have in front of us, but it is so crystal clear I can't find the words to describe it. And I love physics and photography. So here is my naive attempt:
Thou shalt not be able to see my face; for no man shall see my face.
Look, it needs to have a face. If I said shape, or form, then I have no chance to communicate it. I'm till referring to the glass pane. So I say face. Remember, it is fiction. And my first one. I swear.?
Hopefully my last one. I don't like this. But I can write it fast, so it will be done within 12h. That's it. After that, I wrapped it up. No matter what. There is timing involved. It's very simple why and what the timing is.
Now it's either god. Or the Devil.?
Oh, it isn't a novel, it's an article. And this is just the intro story. And no, this it not about religion, that's for another article. It will also have to be written. Without the ciphers clues, it won't be needed. So long as this piece remains of course. It's chained.
I will say it's God, because he also created the devil. I don't need to be religious to see logic in the Bible. If you don't see it, you are not logical. You are more emotional. And if you think that by He, I meant that he is male, maybe you should stop reading this. Maybe the bible is for you.
Also to note. If you aren't logical. You are probably emotional. If you aren't sure, just take an average logical test, and see how you feel when you see the result.
If you are emotional and you want to keep reading this, I doubt you will enjoy it, yet it's a good read. I know that it is true for both, for sure actually. And you may still find how to decipher all the messages.
I should not say it's the Devil. Make your own appreciation. But my guess for now is that it's the devil. A small devil. This thing grow. It may end up like some of its description in the Bible,?
Now really I'm sorry if you can both read the Bible and have the energy to read this. You are my hero.
1/ Reading
If you don't or can't even read the bible, it's OK, I won't bother you with religion. But a very smart thinker, ahead of his time, said God is dead. He also said many other cool things. One or two are as sharp and another is needed to reverse one message.
He is smarter than me the guy who said that God was dead, even if wasn't so ahead of his time. Not entirely sure he actually said that, not this way. Because God cannot die. He must have said something else, and I better start to relearn a bit of German. Just a few words at least.
And I will prove it too, with numbers. Not many numbers in here though, some are ciphered, I will tell you more about it, but the devil may be in there. And if you think it's not the devil, then it's OK. And maybe you are the devil. And It's OK too.
Given that not that many want to put their hand in the air, even to check. It would look stupid.
I don't know why it's a problem to look stupid.?
We look stupid at least once a day. I'm sure of that.?
Doing what everybody ensures it, I think it wise. However only if you figure out why people are doing it. If not today, soon. If you can't, then ask., and consider stopping a bit, see what happens. It is key.. Step by step, do your own thing. It's better.?
Unless you are a janitor. In which case, maybe it's OK to try to do what everyone else is doing. And stop doing what not that many people are doing. Do what they do, just try. It's not easy either, but it isn't harder than cleaning the toilet. It may require a bit longer training but I'm starting to think some animals could perform certain far better jobs. So if animals can do it, janitors are for sure able to handle those jobs too. Just need a bit of training and time though. Or friends. Make friends. It's not easy, I know. But it's simple. Something they then to lack. There could be something we don't easily see. then we will see it everywhere. Literally everywhere.?
We will start with the Janitor. It's a short story. The god thing is just an intro to the rest. The Janitor is super key.
Who is the janitor. Trust me there is one. Probably just one. It depends on how many seats and mess can fit in that public bathroom, but there is at least one. And he does the job. Because otherwise you would not use that bathroom. Nobody would clean it, we all have time for a drink and phone, but we certainly not have time to clean the toilets. Especially shared toilets. For that, we have, the Janitor. Nobody pays him directly, we all assume he gets paid by someone, and, he is doing just fine, since he rarely complains. Maybe he does, quietly, but I have to say, I do struggle to remember last time I saw a Janitor. I actually them. The toilets are clean, so I guess he doesn't even want to see me anymore. I bet he does see me, and I don't.
But we don't know who he is. We hardly remember his face. I bet, I don't have the data, but I bet that you don't know any face, of any janitor in any public bathrooms you very likely consulted in the last 2 weeks. I hope you remember some of the bathrooms, I bet you do.
If you do remember the janitor face, you are in the 10%. I don't want to say 1%, and as I said I don't have the numbers. This is purely based on my own anecdotes. And I'm biased, because I look at their faces, usually. I'm distracted. And if the bathroom is clean, I don't feel the need to look. It's so strange. It has to be the devil.?Also, the janitor is rarely there. He's got between 2 and 13 jobs. So where is he anyway. The bathroom is clean. It's cool.
If I'm wrong, and I think I am. The ratio is rather 1 to 1000 person.?so 0.1% of people know the face of any janitor who took care of any of the public bathroom they visited in the last 2 weeks. That's my bet.
There is another bias. It's not even a bias, it's an error. We spend about 10 mins each day in there. That's 50 mins per week. And it takes about 1h to clean a moderate size bathroom. So you chance to catch the Janitor??Pff, none. Because he doesn't want to see you either most days. Would would he. He sees people who don't even know how to clean other people's shit? He walks. We don't know how to talk to them either. Never. Here is how it looks like:
- Hmmmm...
- So.. how are you?
- What?
- OK.
You can reverse the order this list in any way you want. And it doesn't need a prefix. If you look for prefix, it's simple. Janitor. And whatever else. Unless you are boss of the janitor. He knows everybody's face. Like a Shepard. Same number of words, I told you is simple. But one knows multiple faces. He can send many messages. The other one he can see things, and that's it.
We all call it asymmetric. We don't care what means. It means one can do more in fact. But can't do anything if the other does not exist. In case you ever forget the whole thing is asymmetric, just remember, it's not because of the Janitor. He can do things.?A lot of things. But...
If you don't see the glass. Keep going.
If you think it's you. Then you can forget the devil. There is no devil. it's OK. It grows, but can shrink. I guarantee you that. I've tested it. And you need the numbers, just test it. It's simple.I guarantee you it is so simple. It's old. But we seem to have lost it. But we still have. If I found it, anybody can find it.
There are interludes, they give more than one piece of a puzzle that has nothing to do with me. But Since I'm around, I may just give it out, but I will make the couple of people who follow everything I publish work a bit hard to see the picture, there is also a cipher. I think it's always fun to make people chase things. I hope I will never forget the key, the encrypting procedure is the same. The decryption is varied. There is recursion, of course. It took me more time to work out how to cipher the thing and make the writing still entirely coherent. The process can be optimised but who cares. And it's old. I didn't innovate much. It doesn't need machines we will not loose. Guaranteed. Well we may, but then we wouldn't have a need to read anything.?
I spent time to make the story most entirely coherent. It was at first just an article about work and experience. And the cipher would actually work if the thing was totally incoherent, but the clues need to serve to recover the key. And even I could loose it. And I have good memory. It's not a long key, but it's one of the strongest one.
I would have published the ciphering system. As I don't think it is documented anywhere, but someone I'm sure has found this trick before, maybe recently and many times again and again. I once found a message I think was ciphered using it. I could not decipher it. But that's how I found how it would work. It is simple, it derives from a dated discovery. Not mine, but of course I had to innovate a bit. It makes it stronger. Even if I publish how it works. Especially if I do. An unusual one. An obvious one once you know it.
If the difference between being able to work, it not being useful, and not being able to work isn't clear once you reach about half of the story, then it's probably not there. To be honest, you could already take a good guess, but you can't be sure. I think. Or you know something I really don't.
Maybe I'm not capable to keep up. A lot of things are changing at what we call the workplace, and in the world. Everywhere. Maybe that's how things should be.
I'm 100% un-subordinated. Nothing is above me. I don't care what people want me to do, I never did. I do what's right. If I don't understand it, I may do it. But if that's not a good idea, even then I would probably drag to show you another hint, until I understand it well enough.
I do what I believe to be rightful. With reason. I never claimed my reason was much better than that of a chimp, but I try to use it. For the rest if God is still out there, and I think he is, he doesn't care, but he will judge. Logic alone proves it. If you emotional, also.?
The company would have been sued if anything bad happened to me. By someone, he is good, he is too good. I love @secureworks too much, of course far more than lawyers even though there are many in there. And I hear they are rather attractive. I don't know why we would need attractive lawyers, but seduction is part of the struggle I guess. That could not be let to happen. And I like myself even more, so, no. No court.
Going through some difficult to believe weeks, maybe months, only god knows what would have happened had I followed the instructions coming from people who seemed under SSRIs cocktails. Really, I couldn't know. And maybe it is God still out there telling me what I should when I'm not sure. Probably the same people who actually are rendering doing useful things so difficult at the work place: HR.?
If HR is Human Resources. Then. I'm not human. Because. I write. I write a lot. And, if anybody takes the time, he will get it all. Not even need to ask. Don't ask. I talk a lot. But if you ask... I'm un-subordinated. I think HR, at some point, figured, that can only be true.?
And they are right. But that's not Human resource to say. Managers, and I don't generally like managers, they are far better at that. Because, they have talked to me. And they actually do work. Sometimes it's useless, but sometimes whatever they do is super useful. I don't even call it work. They care about people. Otherwise really they could not do that job.
If you are HR, you actually don't have to care about people. Anybody, even your boss. You don't have time. If you don't do what you are told to do, you won't be there soon. So even if you actually care about people, how can you execute on that? You don't know anybody. How could you?? There are thousands of people in there. You own at least 50. That's my guesstimate. If you think it's 25. But it may be 99. Depends, some day it's 99. Some day it's something else.
All the while I probably looked like the one who needed 'help'. It would have been useful to provide it. They did, it was useless, limit counter productive. In fact counter productive. For everyone. Them, me, people who pay me via them and others who surely do something also useful, even though they don't know who's the Janitor yet. It's OK. but if you still don't, after 2 reads, trust me, you won't get it after your dozen reads. I told you it's simple.?
And if you don't think as you read, like a real person you know. Not someone pretending to be human, it will get you nowhere. Guaranteed. I hope. If I'm wrong it's OK. I'm all about progress. Especially for archeology, stuff like that. It actually helps find keys and ways to make them. I don't know why we don't look more there. Better keys. That more people can use. Not that they believe they use. Doors are usually open actually. But we don't push very hard. And it is because, that glass thing is absolutely there.?
If it's not the devil, then it's OK. But I think it's the devil. Sorry. It's my story anyway, it is written from my perspective. But make your own.
I mentioned SSRI. Let's be clear, I'm Not attacking any company I was working for directly, indirectly or any particular company, no. Of course not, maybe a bit but I'm not sure so why would I make such claims about particular individuals. I'm talking about Dell HR, they runs things so that's already another clue. Raw numbers matter, sorry. And no need for advanced models to see something there.
The SSRIs 'situation', it's not happening at any subsidiary of that company in particular. It's everywhere now. This story is not an attack or a testimony against what I could see. I didn't see much, people are overall balanced and great to engage with. Not all but it's probably not SSRI treatment causing things, it's just how people are. but SSRIs? They dig up what's inside, look for the worst of people. But not at first. Surely not at first. It takes time to dig and dig, but eventually they find some bad stuff and they like to play with it. I don't call this therapy, it's torture. And I never ever took SSRI. I just can figure what it may be like. Even without withdrawals. The problem is people are nice. They may also be on SSRI. And some take cocktails. So, we may be.. dealing with a cocktail party. With invisible glasses, just for the added fun you know.
People are just under SSRIs. It's like that. We aren't told who is. But we see it, we feel it; to a degree. Not everyone can take notice. That's why I would prefer we all get told who is who is not. At the work place, and other not so public places. And get explained briefly what could be the side effects on others, and the dynamic effect of a bunch people in position of power *all* under long term treatments. Via Twitter are getting close, I mean governments of course. Not all governments, not everyone in the governments, but some. Some I have zero doubt. If you do have doubts, I can't convince you in just one article. Sorry. I got 12h. I can talk for 12h and more. Not type for more than 12h
Here, LinkedIn, it's happening, they must have found my draft. I don't know, maybe they like my ideas. I doubt so, but they talk about it. Not the Janitor, they have no clue. I find it suspect that it identifies with those people who are in position of authority, first.?
Should we all take SSRI then? The Janitor doesn't care about details like that. And that's pretty good. It's mostly because we can't afford much. I don't think SSRIs is in the message. For this the story itself should be enough, it's in plain text. Although the problem wasn't kind of their peer's problems back then when it plagued the poorer communities via narcotic trafficking. It still is a problem over there, but it's a bit more organised. It makes less noise. Janitors know how to stay away from traps real fast now. But it still a problem they know best about, maybe only they should talk about it.
They know a lot of faces, they can tell who is OK, who is in trouble, who needs help, who should be left alone. They know everything. I wish they would get a promotion straight to ninja therapist. With the money that comes with it of course. They know how to succeed and understand both PKIs and OKRs better than most CEOs.?There will be more Janitors. There are more than one janitors out there. But you know what. We could not have enough of good people like them. Knowledge wise, and tactful. Not to clean the toilet, we will soon automate that, thanks god. But therapist that could actually help.
Not me. I never took it. And I needed another type of help back then: Freedom. It almost killed me be taken away this thing I thought we all had, a bit. enough freedom. I think we don't. We never had enough freedom. It's strange people want less of it now. I thought the idea was: More freedom. I didn't up with it. It was sold to me. I bought it. But the deal has changed, nobody asked me to sign, I didn't even get a memo. To save me, people are ready to kill me.?
They don't know it could kill me of course, I know they wouldn't do that. But since I believe, the glass is the Devil. A small one but big enough to achieve such success in the maintenance of barriers, distance, constraints, interdictions worse than the crimes, I will say it again, it can grow. I don't need to prove it.
If you haven't seen it yet. Or remember seeing it, just a bit, then I may not be of any more help. You may just stop then and give up reading this. The rest isn't all that fun, the most important is in the short stories.
Labelling is interesting. It will be part of another article. What I will say, although I have not yet connected all the dots, is that this pattern happened before, in 'recent' history. Another clue somewhere not far.
Biological genders also fascinating. It's simple. Just don't forget it's so simple. But let's make it more clearly I think would also help, it's less of a problem, but it is, especially given the compounding effect of hallucinogens and hallucination-looking creatures. We understand, most do. On drugs, not sure. But it could help. Not often. Try but, other drugs. There are plenty decent ones. Safe. Somewhat helpful. Fun. Cheap. Easy and legally accessible. Other articles discusses the subject, plenty are already out there, of such good authoring quality, why need me having to write about this. I need to put more hints, so I will. Just in case. And there will be more, I may call them out, but you will see them.
Most people get married through relationships established at work. Those new email signatures confuse the hell out of me and I read with attention, the attention deficit kind of attention.
We already had a bit of confusion at the work place with regards to dating, flirting, even looking at people, we are forced to take training sessions every year at large corporations to reduce the number of hands landing at the wrong place.
Please don't confuse us, not at the workplace. There are places where this could be super fun. Not so fun at the work place.
Please. I find it hard to believe, so I would not say it never happened, but I have never seen such things at that company. Not in the office, not on any calls. I have seen some questionable things happen, but not that. We there aren't that many females. Maybe that's why. I wish there are more women in the field and at that company in particular. But I also think women do what they want so I won't tell them or entice them to do a particular lime of work, they may hate it, and then that's really work. And I doubt all that useful. I'm luckily to have met the brightest people I know at that company, and some of them were for sure women.
About identity? The clue is this simple, If you care so much about it you got to banner it, it's you who got a problem. Sorry. And you will get in trouble. Not me, you. No banner.?
We all have an identity. We don't have to share it with everyone, although sometimes we seem forced to, and I'm certain of one thing we shouldn't lure mates.?
Prays maybe, if you are an interesting species that also works great as pest population control, maybe one is too many of a clue. You can stay 'anonymous', but they are traps, that's the only safe heaven against prejudice. and you know what, total anonymity. But then you have no real friends. Friends can be keys too.
I call banners crypto sexual harassment in most scenarios, nobody ever asked me whether I was comfortable with it. Nobody cared to even explain when I asked why. Just ask, we can make everyone comfortable. I'm sure. Ask, don't let go. Ask once more, the key has?alternate. It is simple, but not like too simple you know. It's a not a magic key, but it can be made so. I won't tell how in the rest of the story. It's simple to determine that. There are hints.
It's good that more people, many more people have easier access to... Drugs, maybe.
I sincerely hope so, and that it does help and brings joy and fun given the entertainment properties of these things. But it would be good if it didn't these days. I can't prove it so I will stick to the facts: It saved some, for sure, many. It killed some for sure too. Many. I have enough numbers but I can't include them here. Maybe somewhere else.
More every year. In the last few decades in particular it seems. If you don't see it, you may get to see it in about one or two more.
Far too many uneasy situations where I'm getting slow moving eyes movements from left to right, or both ways, from more than just a few guests when I dare talking about the subject at networking events. OK maybe not the place for that kind of topic, but not the place for that either to be buzzed since all these guys want is business, money and mates. Maybe that is why. They need business, money, and mates. But then let's open up. Label the place. That's partly why we have more people stay or at least end, single. It's fun at first, then it becomes sad, then it's a nightmare nearly impossible to get out of. It only gets worse. No need for data. It's all over. Timing matters.
It's not just me who noticed, of course. People who scream even louder than me when nobody listens, the real scientists, the guys still wearing white blouses, even though there is no labs, really, it's just a laptop. They harvest and produce impeccable data. Many out there doing the work but we don't really hear them. And they don't make mistakes like I do. I'm not a scientist. Something else maybe, but not a real scientist. Am I insane though? No.
Yeah, it's the CDC figures above. Can't fault these folks right? I can't believe I'm referencing the C-D-C, but hey they are getting over 10 Billion USD each year to .. do stuff. And yes they publish great stuff, mostly... I think most people there do a great job, it's not them. It's a few of them. Hopefully not more.
But why the hell am I talking about the drugs. Just wait. It's coming. We know about this, it's an epidemic.
And about the U.S. Am I worried for no reason? Sorry, no. Am I overstating it? No. I like many spots in the U.S. but I don't want to ever go back there! I think I will, once ... I don't know, we will see how long it takes to reverse the trend. It would be good if we actually tried. Really tried. Not pretended to try.
And we should try to bigger measure, really, it should be all over the place on news fronts for 2 years. I would say more. I still advocate against restraining anybody. A focus on those getting into schools, before into the schools. When they are start saying this a lot: F7ck you!
I say f7ck you a lot, and it can be scary. But it's normal with me. I'm logical and kept some emotions because logic doesn't work all that much. Emotion does. Getting into school to make mess there? No. I still don't understand why. I'm sure some do. They should talk more. Let them talk. Guess what, the Janitor can do that too!
If you expected a non factual story, just open up any mainstream media outlet front page. Click anywhere. You got it. That verifies two things I said. It isn't helpful to decipher anything, I can't use these things. They write better than I do as though! But hey these cheap authors never dare publishing anything other than in their native language. The one their mom taught them. If their mom was insane, and SSRIs is of course prescribed to single moms a lot since how could they keep up otherwise.?Am I attacking anyone? Yes, everyone. Just about every adult is involved since it is institutionalised.
It is funded by tax payers,
it is voted through our representatives
millions of people administrate it, get taught how to do it and make people take it.
we accept it,
we know it's social
we just pretend we don't understand.
That's 2016 figures, It's not random. I don't dare putting more recent number, even less the growth, those numbers are almost enough, timing is important. Spread and calculate derived equation as it isn't that complicated, it gives prediction. Even a phone can do it, and millions of times I think I have not verified yet. That's not a clue it would be too easy. It may be a trap too, calling people up to talk may make things worse. You can look it up though, it's free and it takes about 3 mins to find out.
Am I opening up, big come out about this subject? No I'm nobody. And the drug part is not about me. But it did affect me, and it took me a good amount of mental energy to plug the few keys of the puzzles together, I thought I would make another. Although I will find more things.. I usually do. But I think that's good enough. That is why it is out. Timed well enough.
Posting pictures of the company this article is actually about? No. Brands all over, promotion is mostly done unconsciously, I don't be part of that. And the cipher is simple but complex. I don't get remunerated for this, not sure what's up with the Wikipedia article but that's even less so my type to want money to promote stuff, I wished I could have fixed the Wiki page embarrassment that may even still remain there today, but something's weird about edits of 'popular' pages. If only there was a clue in there. It would have kept more resilience for my messages. So there is something called something Crux. And it's a great. So I really innovated. Because those old cryptographers were really smart, in simplicity, but I guess they didn't great maps. Not even maps. Just their head I bet. It's a good thing to rely on our own memory. At least consider what happens if that's all you got left. Even today. In some places, it can be a lot fun.
I don't write novels so please forgive the lack of style and it's OK to humiliate me with suggestion on how to improve, I like getting humiliated if that's with good intention. If it isn't, I like it even more. But at least I know it works. I've tested it and you can do too. No the SSRIs. Although it's so easy to find, I'm still confused as to why. Maybe those who prescribe it think it works. It works for accounting. It brings money in. I bet it does. Not sure exactly, but I there is data, and I said I would rather use stories. Just go to the doctor and say.. whatever. But nothing physical. And that you have no mental issues, ever. Just a bad week. Just see. Try 10 doctors. Just in case. And travel, try good hospitals. It tends to be where accounting is probably super good. They are usually nice looking hospitals, you can't miss them. But don't use the prescription. Just don't. Why. There is a trash near the exist door. What do you think the janitor does by keeping it inviting.
Yes, Janitors clean so many things. and even sort things out that is not part of their job. But the manager, he has no job. But he does make sure people look like they did their job, The janitor just doesn't want to get fired, and he gets used to sorting things. The trash bin? It's him. nobody else. nobody in the building would touch that. They better not at hospitals. But they would find fascinating things in there. Stuff the Janitor could talk about. Why not?
I never touched Opioids. We can recognise its effect on others even given the advanced recombinations innovations in the chemical composition out there. But I think it's more reasonable to just call it nice cocktails.
I myself inhaled substances that has similar receptor binding effects. Most people did too on the dentist chair. But the real stuff, the ones literally 100 or who know how much stronger than pure morphine, the best sellers? Never. Not even close.
When I'm confused and want to get a refresher on how to read 3 size fonts writings in a semi transparent sheets. I go to the pharmacy and try to get just paracetamol. It's a great concept for .. ... sick people. Why? They are the Customers. First.
Benzo? The New Opium War. It isn't China striking back! it's not. It's the same crew as 250y ago I think, and probably the one before that too.?
if I had to make a guess. Why, I don't know, but I guess greed or some more obscure goals. I think just greed ultimately. It is to note the chemical composition isn't the only novelty, it is now convenient as we found out ways to actually manufacture it and package it about perfectly for convenient use, and huge profit margins. Patents you know, patents alone are a problem. A real one. It has significantly 'improved' in efficacy since when China got submerged by it. For sure. In its subtleness. Not its damage, it's the same, and stronger and more precise, but targeting the wrong things. We also use these things on animals. Why? Because it works. Smooth. No resistance. And there is no clue here, other than a hint, just in case.
But this article isn't about drug (ab)use. I will write a proper well-worded and data driven one, complemented with anecdotes, just to illustrate how on point the data is. Without short cuts and absolutely no cross related topic, and a simple story. Some day, when I grow up, and can take that one in writing, I will do it with numbers. I will find a friend to help me out, I make mistakes with numbers, that's why I'm not a scientist, mostly. Also if I get to know more from people who actually do know drugs. Me, I like birds. I don't know drugs. I consume drugs available over the counter only, sometimes. Coffee and other less known stuff, not super healthy, and too often. Every day. Coffee. Coffee is not an epidemic, the difference isn't clear but surely we can call it 'culture'. SSRIs? Not sure, but it's becoming one, for sure. Numbers are out there.
I promise, now I stick to the @[Secureworks] story.
There are tons to do in that field and that company is simply the best positioned in the market to take it all. Not the entire cybersecurity market, it would make no sense. It never ends. But that one company could grab:
- Most of the mid to larger size players in the multiple industry segments.
- The segments that matter most to the economy. The Client lists actually demonstrates that.
- Some of the large enterprises, it helps touch on certain aspect of heavy environment and obstacles at play there. But these are slow and are fish not actually worth taking care of to scale a business. I can't claim to be knowledgeable enough to say it's a bad idea to chase them. I don't know. And for what? I wish I was ever told. but I was not asked, no blame here, I'm just curious so, I thought long enough about it. I don't know business. I like Art more, it's more fun. And useful in the end. Especially in the end.?
But it doesn't grow all that much. Not anymore. The revenue. What's going on? The markets bad conditions? Can't kid anyone with that kind of outlook. Is it useful or not.
The need clients have are for, I think, still today, broadly and easily speaking, in b2b: ManagedSecurity Services, from network and device management, identity management and monitoring, advanced threat consulting to serve the constant rise of targeted attacks, even non targeted attacks isn't stopping. it is growing it never stops, it's automated. Never stops. and it won't stop growing, unless we decide OK let's throw all these chips, screens, and connected things we now can't live without.
But it has to scale. The system. That the market grows isn't enough. If it doesn't scale... it may never scale. I hope it does. I think can.
I don't split MSS, because.. semantically it still works. But it's useful, to separate services. And it isn't about work actually. What is wrong with separating? Let people and things be. And let people go as well, and come. At the end they know better. It makes things stronger, safer. It has its quirks, but the idea is demonstrated to be masterful. Openness.
The company released a new platform. It's still service. But it is Software as a Service. Maybe it should be called Security as a Service, but since it's not quite that, although it can be. I'm not attacking the product. It's a good product. It is useful.
What's so good about SaaS? Depends for who.
For the Customer? Nothing actually is good or even different about SaaS or not SaaS. Although it could be a more compelling choice than a more expensive hands/voice/education heavy solution. It depends what you need. And high paying customers? What they need is never just a fantastic piece of software detecting the number of hair on 10k photos per seconds and tell you how many cats are showing, ordered by breeds and all of this + more shipping with the ability to tweak custom made factors.
The customer may want that. A well fitting advanced x-9-y SaaS platform with quality onboarding flow all included in the pricing, monthly charge, all clear. No commitment is pointless to promote as onboarding means committing. Nobody is a fool in b2b. Those who are are buried, or have no money for you. If they do have money, it's not worth it. It's not only about money.
Any client would love to have that advanced piece of software available to them. But it isn't what a client needs. It needs you, as a provider, to inform that client and explain it properly when shit happens, and they want you to handle the follow up hands on, assisted by software of course, like 23y ago ago.
Long ago, we couldn't process 10k photo per seconds and do detection, but we also didn't handle so much traffic and weird things, stuff get encrypted now, and protocols keep expanding. So yes. Software, hardware also, always is needed. Remove that and we are out of business, so would the threats, sort of. When in there it's not just cats, one is a trained Dragon good enough to look exactly like a cat.
Whether you explain it via software notification, dashboard, or via a phone call is not the question. But you got to explain it. That's it. And some people don't understand dashboards, even some of those who build them from scratch and manage entire teams to sell them, but it's OK, it sells. it sells rather well. Even if it doesn't work, but hey. What works in software 100% today? ever? One clue is the last, if you don't see, there is one more chance, and one more hint too. But it's better to just re-read simple mat$
The customer wants to understand what's up and what to do. And ideally pay you to do whatever needs done. That's called business. Or service. I like services. Or help. People actually pay a lot for help. Especially when they need it or will die. Especially if it works. If at least temporarily works, until a better approach/remedy is brought in, that is a hint and how to slice the rest for the entire solution. And in this industry now, even when 'they' know they need it. They got it by now.
But hold on. That story of the detection thingy automated system it's anywhere near done. It's a x-9-y so of course it caught something that morning. It catches things. It gets updated every 45 seconds with new optical lenses that also can blur things out, running 50M operation per seconds over the network and isn't all so dumb about it these days, it will think and not bother you with noise, unless someone pushed something wrong, and it's OK, it happens, let's keep the 45s base line. It's a god one. It will figure out things that not only look like dragons but also vaguely like anything a bit scary or very scary or just impossible to tolerate,?even if it's new. Especially if it's new. That's OK to make noise about new stuff. And be honest about it. Numbers may not help. People can. Although it tends to crash when that software depends on unreliable infra, especially If too many things to scan are in there. in here, just damn cats. Ugly cats but hey, it's all about what they do really but it will catch little monsters, then what though? it doesn't literally catch it. Just sees it. Then .. here is what happens next:. It isn't finished. I need to tell you what in fact happens. Not the customer, but internal people need to know what's going on, those who do the work. Like?the Janitor. But it;s more fun. But still, it's actually hard work when 10 people hit the loo to then look at what happened. Traffic? hehehe. I don't know. Not my job. I would help, but was rarely asked. People know stuff at that company. They just do. They can slice a Pineapple or even watermelon with their metal ring only. Even with a keyboard, and the fruits get sliced fast, and you can see stuff you've never seen even when you have 3 knives with fruits pictures on the package all for you and an entire weekend to open hard things up.
The customer does need to have all the automation and escalation chain and triggers of 3rd party devices. Those devices? Of course one, just one got a forced firmware update to patch something totally unrelated, right before the automation step run. So now it won't close that port by the same control command where the little Dragon likes to go through. It's OK a failed command returns errors, but it is a blessing that happened. The error situation was good, that it failed to auto take action like the book says, was a blessing. Sometimes, it is luck. If someone sees it. Maybe what it needs, that one day something odd gets noticed, is to know that it's actually better to let that port open and let the dragon tells his mates all is good as every other day since it got in. To let a few other *hands on* staff personnel, who, worth noting, were raised by wolves, step in if they got time, no rush, because this thing was there for a while and it's OK, we can jump on other things and make a judgment call. And to find, maybe even the same day that there is a bit more than just one cute cat looking dancing and sending stuff back and forth between a system near the PII database and the outside. Automation is great, and it must be used more. But we are nowhere near read to reduce the number of people raised by wolves. They wear a beard. Not always. They are funny. Sometimes they are not funny. For good reasons. But they make it fun. Until it doesn't feel fun. But they have good emotions, and great sense. If we don't have those guys, what do we have? Machines. Software spitting logs, piping stuff, and doing things like sending messages to other machines to do what the procedure says. Nobody fully understand but can get a full grasp of procedures, and it's good, they take a look, and if they are still interested enough in the job they will figure it out, and make best use of the automation. Be it advanced, AI, big data, or a simple swiss-knife gem that crashes at least once a day. Let's keep that knife. And a few people who know knives. Those raised by wolves, they have teeth, they don't need anything. They will make the knives and more though. They will keep it to themselves so that they can tweak them at will, not sell the and have to keep them as is for months.?
At first sight, no correlation the software made. It caught something, thanks software improvements, but it would blindly just shut that thing, because it made sense to do it, the procedure said so. It knows when to hold off, but this one has no ... coding rules for that, it's about other events outside the network altogether, anyway, assuming it's shut, in fact not shut, but shut enough that the dragon is now all gone or blocked or was never there and the thing had a glitch, there are 21y old out of bootcamps writing mission critical software guys, of course there are bugs, not just a few; and nobody will care to look anymore. Problem gone. Service charged still works, life is good. And the dragon may be nothing. It was nothing. But we don't even know. We will never know.
My one regret is that I didn't (white) hack parts of the org to get privileges we should all be de-facto granted. I should have. Best and simple one: Those repositories that had code, design, structural, or even economical flaws. What I would have done, I guess, is tell those who wrote it. Then tell managers since that's what they should be keeping their eyes on. the economics part in particular, they themselves are kind of next to be shown the exit door for lack of usefulness. Even those who seem to matter a lot. Software and Customer first guys. And I would have helped improve the things over there. Although I probably would have preferred to stay working with the repos I know best. I would have explained things need to transition. Let people do what they want, especially the clients. I doubt they like to be forced into anything, clients. Even if fooled, they will know. They will feel it. If you want bolo1 pasta, you want bolo2 or bolo3 pasta, not someone telling you veggie vermicelli is da best and that's all the kitchen can serve now. In Fuji, they would never do that. So of course they don't want to take that from anyone, just have people do trekking there, plenty of nice shots to take! really! And people are super friendly.
I have never climbed Fuji, but I heard things, and I will go there some day, maybe.
Maybe it is better that way, that I have not looked over anything I'm not asked to look at. I would have been too harsh in my critics then fired for that. Yes, just for having been untactful yet honest and timely. Many people get fired for that. I won't put names, but some colleagues have been kicked out or at least shut down until they had nothing else to do but leave. They are about the best in the world. And like me, they build stuff! They talk, but they make real stuff. That nobody needs to say is great. We know. Don't hack. But they can. Not me, them. the best ones. There are more hints below in fact. But that's not necessary, it lowers the bar but I may forget things! that's a clue right! Timing has orders of course. And there are many, but some are good.
You only have some shots at a given role. You can shoot one time, two, three times. But it doesn't matter how right or wrong you are. You then get extra shots, you know, after you switch roles but not that many more.
Companies want valuable workers in line. Especially valuable ones. There is no more chance to see the difference between the two, but maybe read again. It's actually not far. Call up everyone. Just to check. Now was the right time. Me I have too many articles and other good stuff to ship.
I prefer to call it synergising as one team as a requirement for success, to be 'inline'. If some still aren't, maybe they can follow another line, somewhere around. You know. They will anyway, more and more. But companies do have people who just want power, it makes them sleep better at night. that's all. they don't like to hear a fuss, it's an obstacle to their goals. Perfectly legal goals, that's the saddest part. They should wake up. for their own good mostly. If I have to fire someone. I would just look around. Let's say I don't know who to fire. Because I don't know anybody. Too many people. And in fact I need to fire 10. I would look for the one who is the most scared first. Then I figure 20 are actually scared. I don't know what is the best solution. But I fire the 10 most scared ones, maybe 12. Just because. Hey. I won't appease your fear just by saying you are safe for 6 months without even saying 6 months.
There aren't many, panes, and it spreads like a cancer. It kills the healthy units after a while then they jumps to the next. Cut it off early, and keep checking. Tests are cheap. The damage is not. Especially after another few years. It's an Epidemic. It won't kill 0.2% or even 2%. I don't have the most reliable numbers on that either, why would I reference known numbers. Who can know? If I can't find proper numbers, I'm not a scientist, and nobody else can. Maybe a team can. not many team members, you wouldn't want to create an institution for that. No. You build teams of 5. And, you make sure they all have unique skills. And, you scale the teams, and you cure the disease. Inside, and outside. Revenue will grow. There is no try. It works. We know it. Some know it. Why not? It's cheap. It's simple. It's a good cause also. And tell to them to make friends with the Janitor. Nobody makes with the janitors, they should! It doesn't what they do. If you have the courage. Put the janitor in the team. Then the team will complete the work faster. And also get to know how to scale that team. Janitor knows.
Me? I don't sleep much at night. I don't have power and it's perfectly fine that way. I don't have the shoulders to point a finger and tell people to climb Mountains I never climbed myself, and even then, I point the other way and I say it looks great up there but man, leeches are at the top of the food chain, and all the way up to this one. I do some work and oversleep in the morning. Almost every day. Never call me before 10am, what's the point? If I'm up I'm probably trying to get prepared for something important I could not push to later. If it's not that, I'm having a much needed rich in vitamins breakfast with someone. For health's sake, don't call people early. Just email. Breakfast is vital, when needed.
Oh, and when I say 10am, that's early for me. And not just for me. Let's say 2PM. No ringing before 2PM unless someone is dying and you somehow can do something remotely. We will be able to. Just wait a bit.
And no. I would not have been fired because of hacking into the place I worked at.
CISO is weird. And they would have caught it I think. Even though they are probably understaffed and may be tempted to just trust people who are rather clean. Yes, at Security Companies, we are Security understaffed. Managers? Plenti-Venti. Mostly to explain the understaffing and to have someone to pretend solutions are coming.
The CISO guys would have totally understood what I did. And would write it off as ethical and with perfectly good intention. Maybe I would have received one of those super cool secret medals. Wait, they stopped giving these things out, right? or I suck? I probably suck I'm sure some of the dudes who sit in the even more obscure room - which I cannot dare spelling the name - it has no name - what's on the door is not their name. They for sure still give those insanely cool tokens of recognition. The real ones. You can get one. Just do something cool! Ask.. anybody. Just do something cool. If you get nothing, keep trying. You will learn so much and make the best friends. Those who do the same, try to do cool things, that's it. And the CEO should get one or get fired, he should get one. At least one. One is enough.
Oh, and since I know so little about XSS, CSRF, Packet analysis etc etc and that users are not idiots, especially engineers, except me of course: I would have simply walked up to a desk. Asked a few fellow bored developers that I never talked with, to show me a few repos they are working on. For knowledge's sake and team building. If one guy in the CISO team; yes they are guys only; but they are good; didn't like my face and made a case, he would have had to explain to me + my manager how I'm supposed to work on that weird KPI/OKR/GDRS metric about communication with team members outside my own. It isn't my flaw, it is yours. And the solution is to open up. I mean, not everything, but almost everything. Whatever is not open should have the exception raised. Just think about it. And why. It's obvious and I have not learnt that at that company, that's how obvious it is.
This is @Secureworks. The reason it is the best positioned is because, there are unbelievable people there. And they will catch you. If they are not sleepy after long shifts or fed up with politics of course. It depends on the type. But they will, because they like it. Just to see who did that. Just who, then why. then... OK. Another moron. Like me, I'm that moron sometimes. But remember, good intention. Such as doing my job the best possible. Connecting via safe VPN but also swapping to non VPN to show the origin src address that somewhat tells you exactly where I am, so that you know. I have to say though, I don't know. I think it all made sense, maybe for some it didn't. and it's OK. At least it means people check. Or at told to check. And it's okay too. Let's keep it that way, just take care of opening up stuff a bit internally.
I felt that wasn't understood. The hints part. But I guess it was and no time to explain to me it was. And it's OK too! I would do exactly the same again. It's good practice. I think. It also keep people awake.
Yes, people have to spend their day looking over black&white, always black and white logs to figure out, where are people logging from, because it's a start. They do far more. But it's good to have an idea where's the prick maybe sitting. Location can help. Usually people have little idea where I am. It's good that way. But if I touch someone or something of value, or beauty, I tend to make sure they can locate me back. Just in case I do something wrong! It's a general rule, we should follow that rule more, not everywhere though, but more. last one, and is half only.
You could stop paying them, those guys working in dark rooms. A lot even look asleep, trust me, they are absolutely not. I can't be as awake as they are. And I'm usually full of great energy in the afternoon. 12. This is not a chapter. it's not even a book, it's just a long article. And the full keys are there. And they work! They would go elsewhere of course because cool keyboards are actually expensive. Laptops? We can't change them. And this is illegal. Let me explain.
Anti-competitive practice. Actually Dell/Secureworks invests quite a bit in making sure that we all understand, the staff, that we understand, or at least sign on... stuff that don't seem to matter. It's not that they don't matter. It's that the training is cheesy because it's the same one for thousands of people spanning dozens of specific roles. I said invest quite a bit, I didn't say adopted Agile at Culture and Inclusion. They should. It's key, but not for the Janitor, he is agile. since about age 12. The proof? he's got a job. Many smart asses are out of jobs right now. They may learn how to be agile, but I think it's a glass pane.
It's not perfect, but hey, at least the understaffed don't have to spend time building training courses about the law.
Actually, they DO!. It's simple. If there is a joke on the slide somewhere, usually it's subtle. it's probably authored by some small team who was asked to help, or just said they would help because .. because, there is no reason, they can and they do. By joke, I don't mean a politically correct statement that pretends to be smooth. That team makes training more useful. Because it wasn't work for them. But of course they got paid for that. I mean. time is key. Just in case anybody forgets.
Notes: There was a bit more of the story initially, but I had to remove parts of it and rephrase The cipher part working would otherwise take me too long and this article may never see light other than on my own screen.
More important notes:
- I do recall some paranoia affecting a few people. not many, but some, and I don't know but I can't help but say that there is absolutely nothing really sarcastic or hidden message in the stories here: to threaten, blackmail or anything of this sort. I truly love Secureworks, most people I've worked?there each brought something precious to me and helped me grow. that's why I actually managed to stay so long in there, with these .. laptops! and I will likely write a follow up article (maybe with a cipher too, but probably not). to provide more .. clear insight on a few points I touched on. The engineer part, business wise I still remain a kiddie.
So please. don't ask me or reach out asking unreasonable question. And, I don't attack anyone, and this was .. proof checked enough. Thank you.
- On the anti competitive practice. It isn't an attack either, but just think about it. No need to expand. And, I don't have a problem with it. I don't think it is anti competitive shenanigans enough to matter all that much. but things do add up. And perhaps the law would give you that it's reasonable practice. But it is surely, surely is unethical for people who have to use some of the damn piece of crap and of course forcing them to use just that for work all day long, 5 days a week! They certainly don't want to touch that on weekends. You loose, they loose, it's silly. Laptop equipment cost about 1 to 3% of the user yearly cost these days. roughly. For someone who isn't totally underpaid. Which for some is surely certainly not the case, maybe they need those, see labelling, and try to find the seconds message! It's the most important one to me. and isn't all that hard to find. It's also simple. I promise.
Thank you if you got to the end of this things. I hope you enjoyed it and that the tiny bit of humour is easily enough separated from sad facts I wanted to make sure to spread as information, in case it hasn't reached you yet.
It actually took me 10h to write the article. More the cipher. but I guess even simple is too complicated for me. I will make things simpler in the future. Even simpler.
and, because I'm a giver, it's just a .. another hint. Not the message at all.
i don't
it is
but i
and i
of course
i think
don't know
there is
the janitor
they are
a bit