Strokes are also known as “CVA’s”- chronic vascular accidents. They are the fifth leading cause of death in the US.?Ways to reduce your risk include weight management, exercise, healthy eating, smoking cessation, keeping your blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the normal range. Regular medical visits keep you apprised of your health and risk factors.
Strokes are caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Getting immediate treatment is key to minimizing the damage from a stroke. ?Seek help immediately (Call 9-11) if you witness numbness or weakness in the face, arms, legs or one side of the body, experience confusion, trouble speaking or difficulty understanding speech, have trouble seeing , have a sudden challenge with walking , dizziness or loss of balance or?experience a sudden?headache without a known cause.
Act F.A.S.T. if you think someone may be having or has just had a stroke.
F- Face- aske the person to smile. See if one side of the face droops.
A-?Arms-Aske the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S- Speech- Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase and see if the speech is slurred or strange.
T-Time- If you see any unusual signs call 9-11 immediately. Medical personal will be dispatched and they can issue life-saving treatment.
If you are the one possibly having a stroke, do not drive to the hospital- let someone else drive you!