Srimannaraya?a and His grand illusion (?????? ??? or Vi??u Māya)
I take privillege in sharing insightful article of Shri Sandeep Thakur with my own analysis based on on-going Kundalini Experience. I extend my grateful thanks to him.
The evolution goes by Universal Laws of Nature. Nothing can be called foolish, as every expression is Divine Soul. There is no exception to this law of Karma. The mystery is that, the outer projection of world is inner expression of Soul ??? the first born personality, Paramatma. It is a reconstruct within, by inert Cosmic material layer on vibratory Soul (DNA), and is therefore floating energy bound by one's own Space.
?? DNA or material energy enveloping and permeating body.
Soul is traced to immaterial point source, Adhyatma (??? +???? or ????????), or Eternal Nature of Supreme Indestrictible reality, the Umblicle or Brahma, the creator; of Supreme Lord. Supreme Lord - Srimannaraya?a is in deep slumber, and no one can touch HIM.
Soul is created essence with first available great material Ether with subsonic content of AUM. It is space (???? - ākā?a in Sanskrit) enveloping entire diverse material Universe, with no exception. It includes, Mother Earth and it's inhabitants in three material worlds (land, oceans, and sky), Sun God, and the Moon; our nearest neighbours.
Of all these created objects, man is in highest evolutionary state, competant to know his core, and its true nature. Man is none other than invisible, and unknowable Brahma, the creator. Gender is illusion.
The material Universe is made from Soul ??? as core, with other created great elements, namely: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth in various compositions.
It is said that, it has come about by the desire (??????? - Spandana) of Supreme Lord to dwell in infinite (Source: Upanishads).
The desire (??????? - Spandana) gave pace (??? in Sanskrit) to Ether culminating into Air, which created Fire, and after cooling it it became water, which solidified into Earth (diverse material science).
In short, every thing in creation is 'Embodied Soul', the instrument of world in layer 2 (bound by Mother Earth), and Universe in Layer 1. Entire activity goes within one's own space, with communication provided by 'Eternal Nature (Adhyatma)', which becomes 'Embodied Self'.
No animation to Nature and navigation is possible without presence of the creator, Brahma. 'Brahma' is traced to Vedas. But HE is realized as 'Jesus' by Lord Christ, and as Allah by Prophet Muhammad. Lord Christ declared himself as Son of God (Jesus); while Prophet Muhammad declared himself as 'Messenger of God'.
The mystery is that God is beyond human perception. He is symbolic in the form of invisible but experienceable Soul (common word to all religions); namely ?? traced to Vedas, ? traced to Christianity, ? traced to Islam; and various other symbols, spread over globe.
a. The creation is grand illusion (?????? ??? or Vi??u Māya in Sanskrit). Man is no other than God. It is transcendental Mother nature that functios as Ego or worldly experiences. SHE is empowered by Lord as HIS concert (Cosmic excellence), untouched by HIM (virgin energy), that rules as Universal Mother of Creation.
b. The creator functions as ?iva (????) and ?akti (?????) as matched pair (there is no real difference). It is ?akti?that dissolves into ?iva to remove curtains (illusion) from Brahma.
c. Never at any time, any Devi Devatas existed. They are grand illusion, the optical delusion, bestowed upon man by creator, with himself as the 'enjoyer'.
d. Not withstanding the prominent role as immutable witness, transformed to transcendental experience, one has to be in meditation with creator, every moment to reach him and realize Self.
e. This is called surrender, and Yoga teaches true Surrender.
f. Evolution of material nature goes by Universal Laws of Nature; namely: Principles of Conservation of Energy, and all laws of thermodynamics are applicable. No one can break this Divine Ordinance.
Om Shanti Om ?? ?? ??