Sri Dharma Mittra 2023 New Year’s Address
Remember faithfully: constant practice. According to our deeds from the past, the karma, we have obstacles and we cannot practice the way we expect to. But as soon as the ability / the choice / the ground is free, we make progress again. So, keep doing your practice and do not worry about the fruits. What counts is the amount of effort that you are making.?
The practice: that’s what counts. Everyone has different obstacles / karmas, so keep your practice and don’t worry about the fruits. Then you will succeed on anything you like. Just keep practicing without expectation of the fruits. Then you automatically have Divine Attention and you will be able to pass peacefully through your karmas. Don’t worry about anything — everything is perfect! Remember, the L-rd and His devotees are watching everything.?
In life, everybody has obstacles. I myself love obstacles. I like to see them and to keep up with my practice as much as I can when faced with them, because I know what is important: to keep the practice no matter what. It is important! And one thing behind all that: remember the Father.?
The Father is watching
all His children.
He is perfect;
He will not allow you to fail.
So, have faith:
Om Namah Shivayah!
Sometimes, and this is already some of the results of the compassion, you have the ability to believe in something — to know it is right. Don’t expect to feel the bliss all the time. I sometimes pass a week when I don’t have any spiritual feeling at all due to the obstacles and conditions, but my belief is firmly there: that everything follows perfectly the Laws of Karma and everyone is in the same boat.?
Don’t think you alone are passing through all this difficulty; all beings are going to pass through the same difficulties. So, don’t expect to feel in bliss all the time. Just keep the practice and your belief strong on the essence of yoga.
When you are expecting anything, your mind becomes restless. Then that affects your practice. Do it because it has to be done and don’t worry about the results, because in the beginning, most of the results are not what we are expecting anyway. But eventually, everything comes.