Sr. Architect/ Solution Architect Responsibility
I) A brief dive of Responsibility
1) Understand the System’s Requirements,
2) Understand the Non-Functional Requirements,
3) Map the Components,
4) Select the Technology Stack,
5) Design the Architecture,
6) Write Architecture Document,
7) Support the Team,
II) A deep dive of Responsibility
1) Accessibility
2) Adaptability
3) Auditability and control
4) Availability (see service level agreement)
5) Backup
6) Capacity, current and forecast
7) Certification
8) Compliance
9) Configuration management
10) Cost, initial and Life-cycle cost
11) Data integrity
12) Data retention
13) Dependency on other parties
14) Deployment
15) Development environment
16) Disaster recovery
17) Documentation
18) Durability
19) Efficiency (resource consumption for given load)
20) Effectiveness (resulting performance in relation to effort)
21) Elasticity
22) Emotional factors (like fun or absorbing or has "Wow! Factor")
23) Environmental protection
24) Escrow
25) Exploitability
26) Extensibility (adding features, and carry-forward of customizations at next major version upgrade)
27) Failure management
28) Fault tolerance (e.g. Operational System Monitoring, Measuring, and Management)
29) Flexibility (e.g. to deal with future changes in requirements)
30) Integrability ability to integrate components
31) Internationalization and localization
32) Interoperability
33) Legal and licensing issues or patent-infringement-avoidability
34) Maintainability (e.g. Mean Time to Repair - MTTR)
35) Management
36) Modifiability
37) Network topology
38) Open source
39) Operability
40) Performance / response time (performance engineering)
41) Platform compatibility
42) Privacy (compliance to privacy laws)
43) Portability
44) Quality (e.g. faults discovered, faults delivered, fault removal efficacy)
45) Readability
46) Reliability (e.g. Mean Time Between/to Failures - MTBF/MTTF )
47) Reporting
48) Resilience
49) Resource constraints (processor speed, memory, disk space, network bandwidth, etc.)
50) Response time
51) Reusability
52) Robustness
53) Safety or factor of safety
54) Scalability (horizontal, vertical)
55) Security (cyber and physical)
56) Software, tools, standards etc. Compatibility
57) Stability
58) Supportability
59) Testability
60) Throughput
61) Transparency
62) Usability (human factors) by target user community
63) Volume