The Squeaky Wheel and How to get the Grease
I posted this idea 3 months ago and since then have amassed quite a number of connections so maybe this time, it'll reach a wider audience.
With each passing second, the US grows more and more polarized. Two sides of the coin; Elephant or Donkey; Blue or Red; We, as a society, have fully accepted a two-party system even though other parties than the big two have attempted their own campaigns with failure every single time.
We complain that no representative actually represents or is corrupt in some way. We back up our inaction for change through excuses like "Voting independent is just a waste of a vote", "I'm choosing this person because they are the lesser of two evils", and "I can't do anything on my own, it's pointless".
We, as an individual, can call, email, or mail a letter to our local, state, and federal representatives but not yet as a collective. My idea is to create a non-profit organization to do just that, a first of its kind.
It would be a website with some name (Ex: where you could select your state and then county within said state. The site would provide you with the contact information (phone, email, and mailing address) for your local, state, and federal representatives. Now, there are sites that already do this but here's the twist.
The site would let you call and email directly from the contact page (you'd make an account with this non-profit) and as humans have the choice, these representatives could just ignore or decline emails and phone calls.
Here is my favorite part. The site would also allow you to type up a letter and send it to this non-profit's headquarters and we would print out the letter and mail it for you, all you have to do is type. It's a lot harder to ignore an issue or problem with representing interests if you have 10,000 physical letters all saying the same thing.
It will put the phrase: "United we Stand, Divided we Fall" into literal action. With a collective engine of voices, it would be a public spotlight on the change we want to see.
An add-on is that because it would have a free option available, low-income citizens could simply visit their local library and use the free internet resources there to submit a letter through our website.
This would also allow people (like me) who are on the lazier side of life and always come up with excuses of "What's the point?", "I don't want to buy stamps.", and "It's too much work for no payoff." to do something other than sit and complain.
All you would have to do is type up a letter and click a button where we could then mail the physical letter for you. This could be a new form of grassroots lobbying and could help people from all over the country to have a more effective approach to dealing with representatives only representing themselves and their pockets.
If you believe this is a business you could get behind, share this with someone whom you think would too. I'd like to see if the rest of society is tired of non-representing representatives and if they're ready for actual change.