Squadify Community Newsletter: Teams are going back to the office - what does that mean for team health?

Squadify Community Newsletter: Teams are going back to the office - what does that mean for team health?

Welcome to our monthly newsletter for believers in the power of teams everywhere! This month, we have some fascinating data insights and discussions for you to share with your teams, and anyone you know who loves teamwork.

Your teams may actually get LESS healthy when they go back to the office.

We are hearing a lot of people saying 'our teams are coming back to the office so everything's okay / we don't need to support them / they are face-to-face so the teamwork will look after itself.' Wrong.

Check out this data from?Atlassian's The State of Teams research here. Office teams are less healthy than those that are hybrid or remote.

Being together gives the illusion of teamwork. In reality, it has never been more important not to take it for granted. Click here to learn more about how to keep teams healthy, wherever they are.

Just focusing on tasks is slowing your teams down

Our co-founder Dan took to LinkedIn to ask the question ‘Are you taking taskwork more seriously than your teamwork??Take a look here and join the discussion!

We Not Me podcast: designed to help your teams learn and develop

  • Critical teams, with Martin Bromiley:?Martin’s wife died during a routine procedure and instead of seeking compensation he dedicated himself to investigating the failures that led to the tragedy.
  • Individual identify in teams, with James Prior:?James’s work heading leadership development has taught him a few things about the symbiotic relationship between teams and their members.
  • Data from the heart, with Simon Shepard:?Simon is an expert and speaker on how we team members can prepare themselves for the rigours of modern life drawing on a huge set of heart-rate variability data.
  • Community teams, with David Burns:?David’s social enterprise brings communities together through sport and his experiences help us all to see diversity more broadly and to see that, without it, we are missing so much.
  • How teams get people to stay, with Suni Lobo: Suni has worked in some of Silicon Valley's most admired companies but has challenged the idea that motivation just comes from money.

Squadfest FM - 26th May 2022: register now!

Squadfest FM is a radio-style program for anyone interested in teams: leading teams, coaching teams or being a proactive team member. The show will be packed with great speakers and other features and there will be loads of opportunities to contribute and ask questions of the panel. Sign up here to get a slot!

?Squadfest FM: 26th May

Option 1: 9am UK, 10am CET, 5pm Sydney

Option 2: 5pm US East Coast, 2pm US West Coast

Stay connected,

The Squad



