SQL Server is not responding. What is action plan?

Connect using DAC via CMD or SSMS

Connect via CMD

SQLCMD -A –U myadminlogin –P mypassword -SMyServer –dmaster

Once you connect to the master database run the diagnostic quires to find the problem

Correct the issue and restart the server

Find the errors from sql log using

SQLCMD –A –SmyServer –q”Exec xp_readerrorlog” –o”C:\logout.txt”

A long running query blocking all processes and not allowing new connections

Write a query and put the script file on hard disk Ex: D:\Scripts\BlockingQuery.sql

use master;

select p.spid, t.text

from sysprocesses p

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (sql_handle) t

where p.blocked = 0

and p.spid in

( select p1.blocked

from sysprocesses p1

where p1.blocked > 0

and p1.waittime > 50 )

From command prompt run the script on sql server and get the result to a text file

SQLCMD -A – SMyServer -i”C:\SQLScripts\GetBlockers.sql” -o”C:\SQLScripts\blockers.txt”


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