SQL or Pandas: Choosing the Right Data Analysis Approach.
Hello friends!
I want to share some details about my latest project. I faced a limitation on the number of API requests, so I decided to optimize the code to reduce the number of server requests.
In the project, I implemented the option to choose the calculation method: either through SQL queries or using the pandas library. If the user chooses the first option, the program executes two queries: first, it determines the current exchange rate, and then it performs the necessary calculation. The second option is implemented through data merging and calculation using the pandas library.
I am so inspired by the possibilities of code optimization and efficient use of resources provided by Python, and I'm excited about how these skills can be applied to solving real-world problems.
Discussion question: How do you prefer to work with data - by creating a database and writing complex SQL queries or by reading data into DataFrames and working with them in the pandas library?
#Python #DataAnalysis #API #SQL #Pandas #Optimization