MySQL function?
SQL functions are simply sub-programs, which are commonly used and re-used throughout SQL database applications for processing or manipulating data.?
Why use functions??
If data manipulation is handled by Business layer, we need to implement other interfaces, thereby increasing re-work and risk of data inconsistency.?
Types of Functions?
MySQL – Execute Snap?
We can use the query in SQL statement which is in the above image?
Sample Table?
Table Name: student_details?
A) CONCAT: The CONCAT() function can combine multiple strings together into a single string. For example, if we want to combine first name and last name, we can use this function?
SELECT CONCAT(FirstName,’ ’,LastName) as FullName FROM student_details?
B) UCASE: The UCASE() function converts a string to upper-case. For example, they? want the LastName as uppercase, we can use this.?
SELECT UCASE(LastName) as LastName FROM student_details?
C) LCASE: The LCASE() function converts a string to lower-case. For example, if they? give email as capital then we can convert to lowercase.?
SELECT LCASE(Email) as Email FROM student_details?
D) REPLACE: The REPLACE() function replaces all occurrences of a sub-string within?? a string, with a new sub-string.?
Note: This function performs a case-sensitive replacement.?
SELECT REPLACE(Knowledge,’SQL’,’MySQL’) as Knowledge FROM???? student_details?
A) COUNT: The COUNT() function returns a number of records by a select query. For example, to get how many records we have.?
Note: NULL values are not counted.?
SELECT COUNT(FirstName) as Total FROM student_details?
B) MAX: The MAX() function is to get highest value in the set of values. For example, if we need the highest score from the table.?
SELECT MAX(CGPA) as Top_Score FROM student_details?
C) MIN: The MIN() function is to get lowest value in the set of values. For example, if we need the lowest score from the table.?
SELECT MIN(CGPA) as Least_Score FROM student_details?
D) AVG: The AVG() function is to get Average value in the set of values. For example, if we need the Average score from the table.?
SELECT AVG(CGPA) as Average FROM student_details?