SQL DB impact of business central Sandbox with local container, and how docker manages SQL Database for the sandbox BC container.
We will check the SQL DB impact of business central Sandbox local container, and how docker manages SQL Database for the sandbox BC container.
There are many articles available please check the below links containers image installation, so I am not going to show how to install and create containers for BC artefacts.
Useful links to understand and implement docker for business central
This is how my container/Images look like
The customer table has 5 Records initially and it shows in Customer List Cronus UK company.
But when I check SQL DB, there is no table containing SQL Table with the name Customer.
But there are two Other db available in SQL and they contain Customer Tables.
Both contain 5 Records as we can see from the web client of Business Central.
To check-in details, I have created one test record in Business Central to see which db is impacted
Tenant DB, No record update
Default Db, record showing as 6 including newly created Records
To check the impact in detail, I have created one more company in the Sandbox Bc container.
Tenant DB impact No Tables are available for Newly created company
Default DB impact, Tables Are created with new Company in Default DB
Conclusion : Business Central container Sandbox is using Default Database to store Database in container SQL.