SQCDM Dashboard meaning?
Claudio Zabaleta
Global Supply Chain | Global Strategic Procurement | Plant Operations | Global Logistics Excecutive
An?SQDCM?Dashboard?is a process or production area which quickly conveys how manufacturing is performing in five key areas. Specifically, they are Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost and Morale. KPI metrics and results for each category are shown below each letter in the?SQDCM and updated each day.
Determining the right metrics for each section of the board is an important first step. While every organization with have different standards surrounding?SQDCM, the following are examples of measurements to track in each category:
·????Safety?should always come first, and could show near misses, safety violations, missed work due to injuries, and unsafe work practices observed.
·????Quality?metrics can include the number of product defects found in a day or returns due to poor manufacturing quality.
·????Delivery?measurements would include On-time shipments to customers, or the number of shipments made per day versus the goal.
·????Cost?is related to metrics surrounding waste and leftover raw materials, overtime costs and late fees
·????Morale?is more difficult to ascertain, but can be measured with employee engagement surveys, turnover rates, years of service averages and levels of absenteeism.
Daily, weekly, or monthly goals can be established for each category in the?SQDCM Board?and if the teams meet their goals, then the category is marked green for that time. If not, it is marked red. When management comes through on a Gemba Walk, they can instantly see where the facility stands by reading the board.
Development of a Typical SQDCM Board
Their first SQDCM board described in this example (not shown in photographs) was put in the department occupying the middle of both the physical facility and?process?flow. They had included an?accountability?process* at the board as well. As the year went by, they expanded into other process areas within the facility.
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?Connection with Strategic Deployment
Now, tie this to strategic deployment (SD). As noted above, the plant SQDCM should connect to the corporate goals. This means there should be?deployment?of those SQDCM goals from top to bottom.
Gemba Walk
Next to the?Gemba walk! There are many, many ways to conduct the walk process. There can be different tiers, different frequencies of walk and different expectations of leaders. This describes my way. To start, the highest level in the facility should be on the walk daily (what is often identified as the?senior staff). Each department in the facility should also be represented (this is often beyond the senior staff). Strong walks are supported by leaders having?team?huddles to start the shift before the walk. These are leaders and their hourly employees.
?The challenge is to determine the long-term C/M. It is important to now note that the most critical part of the SQDCM board is?not?the pretty green or red letters, but the countermeasure sheet. This shows the actions to get the department (or facility or company) back to green. In addition, the lower information on the board often reflects trends over time. This, too, can be critical, to ensure departments are not chasing squirrels and missing the bigger picture. The focus should always be on the?ideal state?(defined as 1×1, on-demand, on-time, with perfect quality, safely created and delivered, at the best cost).
If you need help with your supply chain please contact Claude Zabaleta mobile: +52-81-3407-8811