Spurgeon's Jan. 25 Morning & Evening
Wayne Raley
Spurgeon God Article Publisher & Former FBCG Barnabas Sunday School Director. Retired. Former Technical Writer, Project & Program Management
MORNING "I will mention the loving kindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has bestowed on us." Isaiah 63:7 AND can you not do this? Are there no mercies which you have experienced? Even though you are gloomy now, can you forget that blessed hour when Jesus met you, and said, "Come unto Me?" Can you not remember that rapturous moment when He snapped your fetters, dashed your chains to the earth, and said, "I came to break your bonds and set you free?" Or if the love of your espousals be forgotten, there must surely be some precious milestone along the road of life not quite grown over with moss, on which you can read a happy memorial of His mercy towards you. Did you ever have a sickness and did He restore you? Were you never poor and He met your needs? Were you ever in a wreck and by His mercy you survived? Go to the river of your experiences and remember how a disaster was avoided. Forget not that with the help of a blood cancer doctor your cancer was cured. Remember the days of your youth and even the days of Old in Scripture. There are many times in many places where God rescued you and your ancestors that you have forgotten or never knew about. After remembering the choice mercies of yesterday and years past. Pray to your Lord for remembrance of and thankfulness for all the mercies He has showered on you.
EVENING "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid yes we establish the law." Romans 3:31
WHEN the believer is adopted to into the Lord's family, his relationship to old Adam and the law ceases at once; but then he is under a new rule, and a new covenant. Believer, you are God's child; it is your first duty to obey your heavenly Father. A servile spirit you have nothing to do with: you are not a slave, but a child; and now inasmuch as you are a beloved child, you are bound to obey your Father's faintest wish, the least intimation of his will. Does He bid you fulfil a sacred ordinance? It is at your peril that you neglect it, for you will be disobeying your Father. Does He command you to seek the image of Jesus? Is it not your joy to do so? Does Jesus tell you, "Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect? Then not because the law commands, but because your Saviour enjoins, you will labor to be perfect in His holiness. Does He bid His saints to love one another? Do it, not because the law says, "Love your neighbor," but because Jesus says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments;" and this is the commandment that He has given unto you, "that you love one another. Are you told to distribute to the poor? Do it not because charity is a burden which you dare not shirk, but because Jesus teaches, "Give to Him that asks of you. Does the word say, "Love God with all your heart.?" Look at the commandment and reply, "Ah! commandment, Christ has fulfilled thee already --- I have no need, therefore, to fulfill thee for my salvation, but I rejoice to yield obedience to You because God is my Father now and He has a claim upon me, which I would not dispute." May the Holy Ghost make your heart obedient to the constraining power of Christ's love, that your prayer may be, "Makeme go in the path of your commandments; for therein do I delight," Grace is the mother and nurse of holiness, and not the apologist of sin.
1. Invitation to Link to attend online virtual traditional 150+ years old church at 8:45 am CDT every Sunday morning: (Select Live Stream)Live Stream | First Baptist Church, Garland, TX (fbcgarland.org)
2. Invitation to Link to attend online Zoom meeting of FBCG Barnabas Sunday School Department at 10:00 am CDT every Sunday morning: (You will be connected by the Zoom meeting manager)https://us05web.zoom.us/j/2899163560?pwd=UVRqWWtxNlJXRkhXdTBVZzZmNUxLQT09