The Sprouting CSR Dynamics and Implementation Strategies in India
CSR and its various avenues to create a social elevation.

The Sprouting CSR Dynamics and Implementation Strategies in India

CSR History in India

Business involvement in social causes for societal development has a long and illustrious history in India. The early years of social responsibility projects were not well documented. After Independence, JRD Tata, who always placed a strong focus on encouraging people to go beyond simply acting honorably, drew attention to the numerous ways that businesses and industries could benefit society in addition to their regular functions.

Since then, a growing awareness of the need to contribute to social activities on a global scale while also wanting to enhance the immediate environment has emerged. Slowly, the idea that businesses had to contribute to some of the costs associated with social overhead became accepted, at least in theory.

An ideal CSR has both ethical and philosophical dimensions, particularly in India where there exists a wide gap between sections of people in terms of income and standards. India is the first country in the world to make CSR mandatory, following an amendment to the Companies Act, 2012 in April 2014.

In the present era of COVID-19, the Government of India is inspiring companies to provide social support. According to March 23, 2020, Ministry of Corporate Affairs circular, all expenditures incurred on activities related to COVID-19 would be added as permissible avenues for CSR expenditure.

Funds may be spent for various activities related to COVID-19, under the following items of Schedule VII:

  • Eradicating hunger
  • Poverty
  • Malnutrition
  • promoting healthcare, including preventive healthcare
  • Sanitation, including contribution to the Swachh Bharat Kosh set up by the Centre for promoting sanitation and making available safe drinking water
  • Disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction activities.

Further, A general circular (No. 21/2014, dated June 18, 2014) mentioned that the items in Schedule VII are broad-based and may be interpreted liberally for donations being made concerning COVID-19.

This announcement from the ministry was welcomed by Corporate India. It created a win-win situation for companies with existing CSR obligations and funds at their disposal who wanted to contribute to relief and meet statutory requirements of The Companies Act at the same time.

CSR Trends in India

Since the introduction of the CSR clause in 2014, corporate India has greatly boosted its CSR investment. According to a poll, businesses contributed $1 billion (about Rs 7,400 crore) to CSR projects in 2018, which is 47% more than they did in 2014–15. (Associates DS, 2020)

A law that was just five years old forced businesses to climb a steep learning curve and leave their comfort zone. In the previous four years, eligible enterprises reported at a rate of 64% on average. Companies spent Rs 52,000 crore, or 68%, of the required CSR contribution over the previous four years. (Ventures SS, 2020)

Listed companies in India spent Rs 10,000 crore on various Programmes — ranging from educational Programmes, skill development, social welfare, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

The Prime Minister’s Relief Fund saw an increase of 139 percent in CSR contribution over the last year (2019-20). The education sector received the maximum funding (38 percent of the total), followed by hunger, poverty, and healthcare (25 percent), environmental sustainability (12 percent), and rural development (11 percent).

Programmes such as technology incubators, sports, armed forces, and inequality reduction saw negligible spending. (Associates, 2020)

CSR in times of Covid 19

When I reflect on the years 2020–2021, it only highlights the tenacity displayed by firms and, more importantly, by the individuals who contributed significantly to maintaining company continuity during such incredibly difficult times. Everyone around the globe has been given a reality check by the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, there is no room for complacency given the rising environmental issues and pressures on the globe. Corporations are placing a greater emphasis on sustainability as they prepare for a post-pandemic world. This is a call for businesses to be more accountable and responsible since the future of the earth is at stake. The lessons we've learned from the pandemic will stick with us and only make changes for the better.

Environmental, sustainability, and governance (ESG) are being embraced by industry leaders to create value for their companies, and we are following suit. Businesses and corporations have refocused their business strategies on ethical behavior that protects the environment for future generations. To effect change, we must constantly examine the past and assess the gaps. This mindset goes a long way toward giving significance and lasting value while motivating staff and leadership to create excellent and reliable governance structures around the world.

Sustainability finds a deeper meaning and commitment that was long overdue

In its 2019 manifesto, The Universal Purpose of a Company in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the World Economic Forum emphasizes the need for a more inclusive focus on social, economic, and sustainability goals and explains how "A company is more than an economic unit generating profit." This is only possible when a corporation has a solid purpose that directs its operations while considering environmental impact. As a result, corporate leaders must strengthen the mission of their organization and implement more cutting-edge sustainability methods, such as ESG-focused strategy with a long-term perspective. Even in a crisis, these objectives must remain a top priority. Sustainability must be reexamined from a variety of angles because it has changed and will continue to do so. Community contribution towards health, water stewardship, waste management, reducing carbon footprint, aiding agricultural economy, human rights, women empowerment, diversity, equity, and inclusion are areas that need a collective effort, amongst many others.

Companies and organizations contributing toward change

To bolster and drive the country's fight against COVID-19,organizationss like the Reliance Foundation, Adani Foundation, Tata Group, Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), etc. joined forces. To ensure that the nation battled COVID-19, they quickly mobilized on-the-ground actions utilizing a round-the-clock, multifaceted strategy. They continued to support the Indian people throughout the global coronavirus pandemic. ?Covid 19 was a pandemic, and it’s going to be there for a while now. However, there are other health ailments both contagious and non-contagious, the life-threatening ones that if not identified early, can cause a major outbreak just by spreading, that need immediate intervention from Corporates, and NGOs.

India has been one of the hardest-hit countries by COVID-19. Beyond the staggering impact on human life, COVID-19 has greatly disrupted various areas of social significance such as:


in the fight to eliminate TB. Few NGOs, dedicatedly working towards the elimination of Tuberculosis, are involved in supporting partnerships for TB Care and Control in India ensuring public education- mass/ mid media, social mobilization for greater participation in RNTCP, engaging all care providers, coordinating on TB/HIV and advocacy to increase political commitment to ending TB. The platform provides an opportunity for them to gain technical assistance and avenues to roll out the TB projects and collaborate for funding opportunities.

An integrated community-based intervention focusing on mass awareness of TB including the use of IEC materials, training of ASHA workers, use of mid-media, wall paintings, etc. can be supported in adopted geography.?The corporate sector can adopt villages, blocks, or a district to fund programmes aimed at generating awareness-based TB.

Problem Statement

  • The deep-rooted stigma around TB
  • Delay in seeking treatment
  • Gaps in diagnosis & treatment
  • Patient Support

Despite TB being a curable disease and free-of-cost treatment being provided by the Government, India continues to have the highest incidence of TB in the world along with the highest TB mortality. Our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi committed to eliminating TB in India by 2025.?It is an ambitious target and there is a need for increased investments and partnerships by all sectors including the corporate sector to contribute to the goal of making India TB-free. These partnerships will not only save lives but also help your brand gain the visibility it deserves as it cares for its people and communities and support interventions with measurable outcomes.

What goes wrong if everything is done right?

In my opinion, In India, pediatric tuberculosis cases are both underdiagnosed and underreported. To manage TB in the general population, it is imperative to increase the detection of pediatric TB cases. To prevent TB, social determinants like overcrowding, a lack of understanding about the disease, and malnutrition must be addressed. With the aid of DOTS providers and appropriate IEC (Information Education and Communication) materials, it is urgently necessary to promote educational activities among patients and the more vulnerable population about the cause, transmission, preventive measures, duration, and dosage of therapy for TB. Only 3 lakhs of the estimated 15 lakh patients receive notifications from the private sector, making the problem underappreciated. The current National Strategic Plan for TB Elimination (NSP 2017–25) has been worked out to provide nutrition support and reduce the out-of-pocket expenditure of the patients and is aimed at ending TB by 2025.

Global TB control will be successful if TB control Programmes are strengthened, more people have access to quick diagnoses, and there is effective treatment available. To stop the spread of TB, political and financial commitment is crucial. Systematic monitoring of ongoing TB treatment in the private sector is urgently needed to shed light on the true scope of the issue and to track the development of the initiatives now being considered to solve it. High-burden nations like India will need to increase the effectiveness of their health care delivery systems and guarantee better adoption of new technology while transformative tools are being created.

Regarding morbidity and death, TB is still one of the most frequently occurring diseases in India. Although the incidence is high, it merely represents the very beginning. Several incidents go unreported by the private sector or are misdiagnosed. The second problem is insufficient and poor treatment of confirmed cases, which increases the prevalence of drug-resistant TB. Many regions of the country lack the accessibility and cost of reliable diagnostic tools that aid in the early diagnosis of TB cases (both non-DR-TB and DR-TB cases). At the level of the person, family, and community, TB has a significant impact. In this sense, it even has an impact on a nation's economy.

2.?????Education Developments & Scholarships

It would be challenging to live in the pre-covid age. Since schools have been closed for several months, e-learning has become a mainstay in the lives of students, teachers, and parents.

When it comes to maintaining education delivery on schedule, the obstacles of using online platforms and apps to offer lectures have affected school management's perspectives more than the entire education vertical.

The educational methodology has already undergone a significant change because of this new paradigm. Teachers in schools have been quite adaptable, or perhaps we should say rather forced to adopt e-learning while pushing traditional teaching to the side.

The current trends reflect that the education vertical is the most affected one during the pandemic has left us with intelligent extrapolations. We saw the great rise of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platforms. Government has its’ own platform like SWAYAM that hosts all courses taught in the classroom from high school to post-graduation and is free to access by all. The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) provides e-learning through web and video courses.

Having talked about all the changing trends and the availability of resources, this needs to be taken to end-user students in the economically challenged area. It is time that we consider the urgency and a need to understand why Rural Education Sector needs Corporate Social commitments.

  • Lack of Digital Infrastructure and Support: Internet access is not available in rural schools. Basic offline e-learning materials should be available, or connectivity should be brought to urban schools to close the gap. Home students lack the necessary bandwidth to study online lectures. It is time to mobilize the CSR-enabling agencies with the assistance of the government.
  • Cost-Effective Digital Transformation: On the other hand, we see the lab lectures are somewhat difficult to accommodate online. Therefore, these testing times can be a time of blended learning. Students can be called on only for workshops, physical education, and lab lectures which maintains the cost-cutting of transport, electricity, and other operational expenses. Rural schools need to go digital to save money on physical infrastructure.
  • Vernacular Content: It has been observed that video lectures sent to students are utilised for future reference as well, and as the visual creates a better impact on the brain the learning is retained for a longer period. We need more e-content in vernacular languages which gives conceptual clarity to students rather than just making the e-copy of state board textbooks.
  • The requirement for technological devices: Pupils must access e-material through ICT lab settings at school or laptops at home, even if we train teachers to use it.

It is encouraging to see that the government is supporting Edtech advisors like D-Square Solution in their efforts to make online learning resources accessible and affordable, even in places with limited connectivity.

Additionally, scholarships are to reward a student’s academic achievement and educational programs. Whether you’re starting your career or studying in high school to grow new abilities, receiving a scholarship is a big achievement. Talking about the economic benefits, scholarships are especially appealing to young aspirants who are simply beginning their careers as employees. Furthermore, taking a scholarship can open the way to various educational centers as well as employment opportunities. This is a Golden opportunity for genuine aspirants.

Here’s a list of the top few reasons explaining the importance of scholarship in today’s education world.

  • Increasing Cost: The increase in the cost of college, school, and university fees is the number one reason scholarships are helpful for a student. Every year, there is a minimum 5% increase in the tuition fee, particularly for international students. Therefore, it is highly advantageous to enroll in programs that are fully funded and keep a student out of all the financial stress.
  • Student Loan Rate is shooting up:?As per recent research, huge numbers of urban families are engaged in mortgages and loans. Which is to send their students for higher studies. On top of that, the loan rate in banks gets high every year and therefore scholarships are important.
  • Basic Living Expenses: College or university students also have to go through food and travel costs. These costs build up slowly and tend to cause a lot of harassment. It becomes all the more difficult to deal with if the students and their families have already paid too much for the tuition fee. But receiving a scholarship that takes care of all these costs is highly advantageous.
  • Study Abroad: Scholarships are the best way a student can fulfill his or her dream of studying abroad. Applying for a reputed and prestigious program helps academically as well as personally. This provides students can get global exposure and develop their interpersonal skills. Scholarships offered by well-established institutions cover all the expenses of a student.

?3.?????Road Safety Initiatives

In the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, there is a focus on sharing best practices and lessons learned from the different CSR activities by the Indian Automobile Industry. Leading business figures spoke at the conference about how to improve society inclusively while preserving the environment.

The Hon. Mahendra Nath Pandey, Minister of Heavy Industries, Government of India, assured the auto industry of the government's eager and active partnership with the industry to strengthen the CSR initiatives, saying, "The Indian Automobile Industry has been a major contributor to the economy and the society as it holds a major share in the GDP. Looking ahead, the government is giving the industry economic support totaling roughly Rs. 25,000 crores through the PLI scheme. Through their CSR programmes, all OEMs have made a significant contribution to society, particularly during the COVID pandemic. Going forward, the industry should focus more on laborers and small technicians, work more closely with NGOs, strengthen their focus on Health, Safety, Environment, and Skilling initiatives, share its experiences so that the larger community can learn, and lastly, the industry must think big but implement locally. Local communities in the neighborhood of Auto Factories must benefit.”

Collaboration Avenues

I believe, that when a company that is into CSR, is transitioning through its many growth stages, outsourcing is a great approach to support it. In actuality, several of the biggest businesses in the world contract out portions of their work. You should strike a healthy balance between internal staff and external resources to maintain consistent growth and productivity. We'll talk about how outsourcing can help your business in this piece.

You must comprehend the rationale behind other businesses' outsourcing decisions to see why it would be the best course of action for your company. What benefits does it offer and how does it create value?

1.?????Rapid Growth

During times of expansion, businesses frequently discover that while they would benefit from having more staff on hand, they cannot afford the costs associated with hiring and sustaining more full-time workers. The possibility for expansion is constrained, and any momentum your business has gained is slowed. Some businesses might take a chance and hire new employees, only to discover that taking a chance doesn't always pay off. They have reversed their growth, as opposed to expanding slowly.

Because it's more affordable to outsource the work than it is to build your in-house team, and because you can cancel an outsourcing contract without having to put people out of work, it's a great way to ensure that your company maintains a steady growth while keeping the core of your team focused on internal tasks.

2.?????Retain flexibility

Your company might not always require the same number of employees. Outsourcing at the very least gives you flexibility. Without making the costly financial commitment of hiring internal staff, whose costs can take years to pay off, your company can increase its staff before a busy season. After a busy season is over, switching back to an exclusively internal team is simple. You can scale your outsourcing requirements with the help of an experienced outsourcing service.

3.?????Experienced Manpower

The world's largest companies can offer pay and benefits far beyond what you can likely offer, so the top talent goes to the largest firms. This can limit your company's ability to achieve the best results. It could even put you at risk of having your best employees poached by larger companies offering better incentives. Outsourcing agencies can attract top talent to ensure customer satisfaction and competitive results.

4.?????Maintain company focus.

Another benefit of outsourcing is the ability to stay focused on the important internal tasks of your business. For example, customer service is an important part of any business. That being said, it can be time-consuming and distracting for key members of your team. Outsourcing for customer service has two benefits. First, you provide your customers with consistent customer service. Second, you allow your internal team members to focus on their tasks, helping your business run more efficiently and ultimately increasing your ROI.

Employing outsourcing companies is a good idea. The impression it gives your business is a side benefit of outsourcing. Gone are the days were outsourcing corporations were unreliable and lacked quality control. You may count on contemporary outsourcing companies to represent your company to the highest standards. Small firms frequently struggle to offer widespread customer service. Your company will appear more professional if you outsource this part of your operations.

5.?????Increase brand loyalty.

A highly trained customer support staff, backed by management with years of experience, will give your customers the type of service that keeps them coming back. Going from no support staff to industry-leading support staff is nearly impossible to do internally. The financial strain and experience required to put together such a team are simply too overwhelming for most businesses. The professional services that an outsourcing company provides will leave your customers feeling cared for and appreciated.

6.?????Fulfill compliance requirements.

Even large companies can feel the financial impacts of new regulations. Several industries have strict privacy and security requirements that can add costs to maintaining staff.

More importantly, they add severe consequences. Having a poorly trained staff that doesn’t properly follow regulations could cost your company a lot. Without the resources of a large corporation, it’s hard to put together such an experienced staff.

If the CSR concept is properly applied, it has the potential to bring about a variety of competitive advantages, including improved access to capital and markets, an increase in sales and profits, cost savings in operational expenses, improved productivity and quality, effective use of human resources, and improved decision-making and risk management procedures.

The subject of corporate social responsibility is very popular right now. It is a general term to express how a business is acting to better its community.

Companies demonstrate CSR in many various ways, including through donations, the adoption of ecologically friendly procedures, staff volunteering, and many more.

These endeavors, no matter how big or small, reveal a lot about your company. As a result, businesses that consistently demonstrate their commitment to CSR activities are demonstrating their capacity to support their community.

Benefits Of CSR In India

1.?????Improved Employee Satisfaction: When a business offers its staff members the chance to volunteer during working hours, it helps to foster a sense of community within the business. Employees frequently become more motivated and prouder of their work as a result of these personal growth chances. Companies with highly engaged staff were found to have 21% higher corporate profitability.

2.?????The capacity to make a positive contribution to the community: When social responsibility is prioritised, businesses are more likely to act morally and think about how their operations will affect society and the environment. When this is done, a company frequently starts to minimise the negative effects of its operations on the neighborhood. Many businesses will start looking for methods to alter their value chain or services in order to better serve the community. CSR thus has a favorable effect on the community.

3.?????Supports Being a Preferred Employer: Being a sought-after employer mostly entails a company's ability to recruit and retain top talent. Being an employer of choice may be achieved primarily in two ways: first, by promoting work-life balance, and second, by offering favorable working conditions and workplace flexibility. A strong corporate social responsibility framework will help a company become more appealing to possible future employees who are looking for companies with socially responsible activities, good ethics, and community-mindedness, according to one study. The benefits of corporate social initiatives to organisations are as previously mentioned.

Regardless of the size or sector, CSR has many benefits that can be applied to any business. Some of the major benefits of CSR to companies are:

  • Enhanced brand recognition
  • Positive business image
  • Improved sales and customer loyalty
  • Savings of operational costs
  • Enhanced financial performance
  • Excellent ability to attract talent and retain the staff
  • Effortless access to capital

Corporate social responsibility ensures that a company is actively taking steps to invest in the greater good of a community by performing something which depicts a level of care. As consumers are now increasingly concerned about the ethics of goods and services they purchase, positive publicity is even more dominant. A strong CSR programme helps in influencing more investors as well as partners toward your company by showing that your business is much more than just the bottom line. When you invest in CSR, it shows the investors that your company is healthy and looking toward the coming times.

How do The Implementation Agencies?Benefit From CSR?

As CSR adoption is becoming increasingly famous all around the world, it is safe to assume that organizations have great prospects in this area. Here are some benefits of CSR to the organisation:

1.?????Enhances The Reputation of the Company

CSR activities are known for depicting positively the image of a company. The goodwill of your organisation is increased after the implementation of CSR policies in the organization. Due to the clean image of your company, consumers will be willing to buy your products and services.

2.?????Assists To Attract and Retain Potential Employees

When the organization is indulged in serious CSR activities then it is more recognizable. As a result, it makes it easy for you to attract potential candidates who seek employment opportunities.

Therefore, when the organization starts earning goodwill with the help of significant CSR activities, the employees decide to continue with the company for a long time.?

3.?????Attracts New Investors

Remember that the reputation of your organization in the market is going to decide whether you will receive new investments or not. The image of a company can be boosted with CSR programs. Therefore, the moment the organisation starts grabbing enough eyeballs, it also attracts several investors.

4.?????A Great Way to Advertise Your Brand

It is believed that any publicity is good publicity. When your organization starts a CSR program, it will automatically give your organization a particular level of publicity. And this won’t be wrong to call such a type of publicity an advertisement. Just ensure that all your products and services are aligned with the CSR activities you are indulged in.

What are CSR's Long-Term Benefits?

In business circles, the idea of corporate social responsibility has grown so commonplace that it has been given its acronym. CSR means that a business must be accountable for its actions and operations to both the community and its shareholders. Any firm that adopts a CSR policy does so to denote a commitment to upholding moral principles and showing respect for individuals, communities, and the environment. The long-term profitability and value of the company are both improved by the application of CSR policies. According to the analysis, there is a plain financial advantage to investing while adhering to CSR standards. With the help of CSR, companies can increase their accountability as well as their transparency with investment analysts, shareholders, and local communities. As a result, it helps in improving the image of the company among investors, giving long-term benefits.


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Sir,With due respect we would like to inform you that we have an NGO under Society act registered 12a 80g.Niti ayugg and under ministry corporate affairs govt.of India reg.sir we want to work on the field of education and skill development project for the needy people of the Assam state of Assam state. Therefore we are looking fund for our NGO. If you have any skill development project or education project for ngo then please inform us. We are ready to do it. Thanking you. Our Email ID [email protected].



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