Sprockets and NLV Dreams
Achtung! I am Dieter and this is Sprockets. In the theater of the absurd LinkedIn has become there is one bastion of stability. The No Longer Virtual Conference brings together many, even if Tom Dietzler and Kimberly Davis are separated by parts of the Berlin Wall. Rather than describing who is going into business for themselves we are interviewing the Rainer Werner Fassbinder of LinkedIn publishing. Describing absurd dreams featuring attendees of the No Longer Virtual Conference greet Thomas Jackson to the sound of one hand clapping.
Thomas: Thanks for the intro.
Dieter: Do you want to touch my monkey?
T: I'll stay six feet apart. Maybe later.
D: Suit yourself. What dreams in the night have bridged the long two years between conferences?
T: Two come to mind. One was set in a camp environment. We were on beds and talking.
D: Which is all you can do with married women.
T: True. I only have five of THOSE kind of dreams per year.
D: Nothing perpetuates a good night's sleep like the dream of a topless hug.
T: Nice work if you can get it. Everyone was talking, I saw Hannah for the first time who was in the middle and I said "Oh, look- the centerpiece." While that might be rude in life she found it funny and gave me a welcoming hug.
D: Topless?
T: Not this time. It was nice and we didn't go there. It is nice seeing this group in any format.
D: At least no one chastised you with "That seat is reserved." In that moment you reached a level of isolation that compares to the films of my youth.
T: I trudged through the street of Denver like the working class in Metropolis.
D: Your story has grown tiresome. Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.
T: Will you join us in Park City March 3 and 4?
D: I am reviewing a bratwurst eating contest that week. Maybe my monkey can fly to Utah.
T: As you wish. Even he does not have impostor syndrome.
They dance in a strange choreography and exit the stage as the end credits roll.