The “Sprint and Rest” Secret to Getting Anything (Everything) Done

The “Sprint and Rest” Secret to Getting Anything (Everything) Done

Let’s get right to the point.

You have access to the most powerful book on the Planet. (I am biased but it doesn’t mean I’m not right ). So if you have the 21 Day Miracle book (and you should) then by now, you should have launched your own 21 Day Miracle, changed yourself, and changed the world.

Now…if you’re anything like the rest of the (wise and powerful) warriors who learn from me, your pattern from here on out should be:

–> SPRINT and –> REST

Roughly 99% of the “21 Day Miracle” is about the SPRINT.

This video is about REST.

Don’t miss it.

The REST is a super important part of being successful at anything.

And it’s important for you to understand this to let your subconscious do its work.

Check it out now. And, if you prefer to read over watching, the transcription is below the video.

Hey there its Ed Rush here to share "The 21 Day Miracle" here to share with you the importance of strategic rest and sprint. Now listen, I've worked with over 350 entrepreneurs and business owners, people from all walks of life and I've been able to unpack and really see the success patterns behind people. And what I realized is that the material inside of this book, by the way you should have a copy of this book if you're getting this video. If you don't,, you can get a copy. I put it the lowest price you can make it on Amazon, I mean it's like .99 cents. It's less than a dollar on Kindle and that's going up. It's about $8 on paperback, that's going to go up too. I did the offer for promotional reasons. By the way this thing's still going gangbusters. Still number one on Amazon, which is amazing.

So thankful to all of you and all the help that you that you've given and hopefully this book has changed your life. I've gotten so many e-mails from our members at some of the things that they've done. By the way if you haven't gotten the book you get a free membership site. And that's what I was talking about when I do that. Now, I want to talk about the content of the book we talk about the importance of strategic sprints. OK, and what this is essentially is the way that successful people identify grow their lives around these spurts. But what we see is in nature for example, nature simply organizes itself in terms of Sprint and Rest. Like from teens to tomatoes basically all the way through. So for example.

In a few months maybe be up in Napa Valley. And in Napa around October what ends up happening is all the grapes are off the vines. And then they prune fairly significantly and then those vines just lay dormant all the way throughout March when they start to just bud and grow again. And so, all during that time it's just resting and renewing its strength and then ready to get back into it again. And the same is true, so a lot of times as entrepreneurs, business owners, or people who want to change the world, we just sprint all the time. We can never figure out why we're so tired and so I want to tell you a little story actually. And I want to bring you back in history and show you the importance of a little bit of rest. So there are these people they were called Israelite's.

They were in this place called Egypt. I love talking about the Bible if you can look back at the history books you'd see this as well. So I'm just going to tell you the biblical story. So these folks, and by the way you don't even need to believe in the Bible to just listen to the story and get the point of the story so don't throw the baby and the Bible out with the bathwater on this one. OK. So if you do like the Bible, awesome, then you'll like the story too. These folks were in Israel and God takes them out. And after that he gives them some rules, some general rules to live by, things that are pretty much good over all kinds of things. Like you shouldn't kill people. Like good thinking right?

Ok, so as he's giving us these really great rules, the fourth one, the fourth commandment goes like this. Six days you shall labor in work and on the seventh you shall rest. So, God gives this pattern this six and one pattern. In fact, he gives some more rules later on about six years you should put plants in the ground. But then the next year let that ground just sit there. And what we found out later on, think about this, this was written in 4500 B.C. We found out like 100 years ago that that was really good idea. We found out that rotating your crops or leaving the ground for about a year was really good because all those nutrients would come back. Amazing. Imagine how that could happen. Now, when I work with entrepreneurs and business owners and people like you that absolutely want to change the world.

What I find is that one of the there's one of two mistakes that you're making and it goes like this. Either number one, you're not working enough. Ok. Or well enough and that's inactivity. And the other one that I see is lack of rest. Ok, so what is interesting if you're a go-getter type, what's interesting is that you, I just wrote inactivity on the board and you probably thought that's me, when this is probably you. You're probably working too hard. In fact most of the entrepreneurs that come into my office I've worked with there were 350 coaching and consulting members from all walks of life. People who I've helped grow their businesses and grow their life and their brand. And, what I found is with most of these people right here they are working about 7 days a week.

And maybe 10 hours a day.

That's not lack of rest, that's working too much. And, so what we do is we start to put measures in place in your life to create that kind of rest. Here's how I do this. Sunday is an off day for me. Sunday I'm with my family. But then one more day a week, typically it's a work day, I typically take a full day to pray and think and read. A lot of times it's actually reading the Bible. So my typical week is about a four to five day work week with two to three days off. And, when I'm off, I'm off off, like I'm talking about I'm not checking my email. Things are off off. Now this is the model that you want to set yourself up and so the first point here is the importance of actual rest.

How many times you heard someone talk about business and mentioned rest. The second point and this is really important is for the entrepreneur, or the business owner, the go-getter is to add in celebration. So I want to give you a couple of examples. So first of all when I wrote the book "The 21 Day Miracle", I wrote this book using the same process that I teach and so I wrote this using the model that you can do anything that you want in three weeks. By the way I had a friend of mine call me and ask if they could change a significant other. Other than to say it was a significant other. And I said you can only change the things you have control over. Jeff wasn't his real name. So in the "The 21 Day Miracle" we talk about strategic sprints and rest and then we talk about celebration and the most important part of celebration is this.

When I wrote this book it took me actually 19 days. On the 20th day that book was a number one bestseller. So we beat our record by day. We launched a web site too, our membership site. I should write this website up here. If you don't have the book for some reason you're watching this video, it's Literally like the easiest website you can remember. So go type it into your browser right now. Not only will you get the book at the lowest price that I can make it right now, at the time of this video, but also you're going to get a free membership site. It's got a bunch of videos and training just like this where I share with you some more strategies on how to get more done to help a lot more people.

So, the last thing is celebration. Giving yourself the joy at the end. So have a friend of mine who right now is on a 21 day miracle to get more business and he's going to plan a trip to Italy when he's done. I just took my family out we had a blast once on a movie and just really enjoyed ourselves. Some people you might want to take a trip. For example right now I'm on what I call my 21 day golf miracle. I haven't played golf for like 10 years. I want to get better. I want to get from scoring in the hundreds, which is where I am now down to scoring the 80's.

I'm getting better every single day over 21 days. My goal is basically just to give myself a trip to a great country club. I think I have one in mind. If you know anyone at the Grand Del Mar I'd love to come golf with you. All right. And just say it that way. OK. So, when it comes to you as an entrepreneur it's time for you to get out there and kick butt help people and get more done. Use "The 21 Day Miracle" process of strategic sprints and rest, and go out there and change the world. We'll talk to you soon.

Looking For More Business Tips and Stories That Will Rock Your World? Click Here to Download My Book and Get Your Free Training!

The rare few who have spent a significant amount of time in the cockpit of an F-18 fighter jet knows the value of strategy and the power of focus. Ed Rush is a speaker, a 4-time #1 best selling author, and a successful business consultant who has effectively taken the principles that he learned flying faster than the speed of sound, and translated them into good business. Ed has helped tens of thousands of attendees and clients get more done in less time, with less waste. He is also serves as the "secret weapon" to over 350+ companies and his books have been featured on CBS, FOX, ABC, NBC and in the Opus Movie. To book Ed for Speaking or Consulting head over to

#productivity #21daymiracle #sprintandrest #sprint #rest #productivitytools


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Consciousness matters. How does yours serve you, your family, your team, and our world? How do you engage music to accept that invitation?

7 年

Do this. Now. That is all.


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