Springtime in the Mountains
Today's Blog is not the normal type, (well heck what is a normal type of blog anyway), this Blog is about another perfect day in Park City. This picture is from my home deck...yes it is April 14, 2021 and it started snowing this morning and hasn't stopped yet. Two weekends ago it was 67 degrees and we all had Spring Fever...but you know everyone has a different view of "Spring Fever"...I have clients arriving tomorrow from Nebraska to go skiing so I am very happy for them. And for those of you that just can't get enough skiing or snowboarding in...this is a great time for you. Of course some of our resorts are closed however these are still open till the 18th of April, Alta, Brian Head, Brighton, and Solitude. So you still have options to get a few more turns in fresh powder before they shut down for the year.
Now considering Springtime in the Mountain's, I am feeling a different "Spring Fever" as I am searching for a new motorcycle to ride this summer, I was going to go test ride today however the weather changed my mind in a hurry. My friends across the country frown when they hear me speak about it snowing at this time of year, but it is one of the things I love about living in the mountains.
Ok that is all for now and enjoy your Spring Time where ever you are! Ramon