Springing into action...
Gabbi Stopp FGE FCG
Global employee equity expert, strategic & empathetic leader, public speaker.
In my corner of sunny Sussex it seems that Spring has finally poked her head out from under her winter duvet and decided to blossom forth. So I hope you will forgive me a cheerful and rather ebullient update on my first month as GEO's Executive Director. Spring's in the air, don't you know...
My first week on the job at GEO involved travelling to Nashville ('Music City') USA for our Annual Conference and Awards, and what a treat that was. Crazy, fulfilling, hectic and many other descriptors besides, it's genuinely hard for me to pick a highlight. I do have to salute the stamina and excellence of my team in running such a big, complex event so successfully - the feedback has been incredibly positive.
Whilst some might regard that first week as rather a baptism of fire, for me it was an amazing opportunity, for several reasons. Getting to see my team in action, meeting in person with key sponsors and US stakeholders, presenting to my Board, getting back onstage, meeting with wonderful Chapter leaders, presenting awards, chatting with members, vendors and exhibitors...and immersing myself once more in equity compensation and share plans. Most definitely my happy place!
Since landing back at Heathrow there has certainly been plenty for me to get on with. Getting to know my team better - virtually and in person - has been a pleasure, as has scouting venues for upcoming events (watch this space!), preparing webinars with some of our worthy Award winners, spending time with existing as well as potential new Board members, and encouraging the next generation of equity professionals to step into the next stage of their careers.
There is lots coming up at GEO:
All of the details can be found from the landing page of our website: www.globalequity.org
I will be 'on the road' a lot (London, various parts of the US, Prague...) as I navigate the next few months so please feel free to reach out for a virtual or IRL coffee and chat on all things share plans and global equity...